Tentacular Spectacular

Sep 30, 2018 21:57

Title: And We Kinda Liked It...
Medium: digital
Rating/Warning: soft NC-17 (NSFW!)
Summary: "I just really want to see Sam or Dean being manhandled and stuffed by slimy and writhing tentacles."

I only got two fills knocked up out this year, and here's the second. But guh, there were so many delicious prompts! I wish I'd done more. Again I say, spn_masquerade mods, y'all did a bang-up job. THANK YOU! It's such a joy to just let your demons rock.

(I make no apologies. Okay, maybe one teensy one. Click to enlarge, if you must!)

nc-17, tentacles, partial nudity, fanart, panties, dean

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