[There are a number of clicks, as if he's turned on the voice module and turned it off again several times in a row. After a while, instead of typing... scribbling begins to fill his transmission screen. It wavers at first, as if the TARDIS is attempting to translate it for readers, but the Barge's communications system is currently deemed unsafe to tamper with, and she therefore simply lets it be.]
(( OOC: Symbols legible (if that; his writing has never been the best unless he tries really hard) to Time Lords/Ladies only. If your character isn't one and has a DAMN good reason to know old Gallifreyan, then feel free :3 Basically, it translates to "I am beneath the balance, lower than equilibrium. I have wronged and sundered when I swore I never would. Have I betrayed my hearts? Have I betrayed yours? They were different. They were so different. What have I done? Martha, if you could forgive me. I'm - I'm sorry." ))
[A later addendum, typed]
There is no way for me to erase that entry, is there?
There is no fathomable end to the depth of my sincere apologies. To everyone, and especially to my friends, now and in the future. There is no excuse for this. What I've done.
[Private to Martha]
I can't apologise enough. I... I am beyond forgiveness or even redemption, taking advantage of you in that way. Perhaps I'll have set myself to this Rose you spoke of because I'd not be able to face you. I'm not sure. I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry.
For what it's worth, however, in this, my here and now... hang Rose. In another time and place, with less severe consequences to you and your life... I wouldn't have needed some rubbish witchcraft to say, do and desire what I did.
Since I can't take it back or repair the friendship I've ruined, I'll say in earnest that I meant every word. And even if it all means nothing but regret now, I... at the very least, I wish to thank you, for the short period of happiness we achieved, even if it was contrived.
It certainly didn't feel contrived at the time.