[Private: self]
[muttering as he turns the thing on, before altering his filters:] And they wonder why I want nothing to do with that lot. Ruthless maniacs, all but... [muttering some more, and] --bably even him. Would that I could be anything else...
Far be it from me to complain, but one occasionally finds little choice beyond wondering whether rough ores are collected and consequently muck up the refining machines with the sloughs, or whether the refiner itself is meant simply to draw out and magnify the imperfections even in the finest specimens of ore. I suppose it might be an analogy, but I'm currently more concerned with the state of my testing mainboard. It seems beryllium, whether pure or alloyed, makes for a poor armour integration over smaller organic masses, or perhaps I'm approaching the concept incorrectly. Must note this and fetch a replacement board... that one took some very particular components. All in the name of progress, I suppose.
[He sounds vaguely irritated by this, but his overall tone is chipper enough to shrug it off.]
[Private: Iroh]
I'm terribly sorry to bring this up on such short notice. I'd planned for this trip to happen at least a week later than now, but given recent events and my sudden need for complex components I'm certain the Admiral couldn't differentiate from a mortar and pestle, I've got to rein that expectation uncomfortably close.
I'll need to leave in the next day or two, and I expect I won't be gone for longer than a few days--I've repaired the necessary parts of the console that will enable me to fine-tune my return coordinates, and I've safeguarded the rest to prevent that explosion rubbish from happening again. Might I ask you to look after Coyolxauhqui while I'm gone? She's without her ability to communicate privately and I prefer this to remain so. She is not to go above deck or into the CES under any circumstance. If she becomes a threat, you may certainly incarcerate her. All that aside, however, it's your choice, and I won't hold it against you if you don't wish to.
[Private: Coyolxauhqui]
I've an important matter I must attend to, and consequently, I've got to hie me away for a few days. I'm in the process of arranging an interim guide for you, and will tell you who it is once it's been arranged. Know that I would only ask this of those I trust, and I implore you to trust him or her as I do. I would never leave you in malicious hands.
I will return, and soon. I've made sure nothing will shatter or burst, and that I'll return. I promise.
[Private: Omega]
I've an errand to run, and I'm of a mind to retrieve some items which need retrieving alongside. I'm sure you're aware of Irving's status and nature outside this vessel, and I'm sure that even if you weren't before, you're aware of the nature of our relationship. In the event that I promise to give him nothing terribly empowering, dangerous, destructive, or counter-productive, may I have your permission to bring an arrangement of items for him?
[Yeah, he's going to anyway, 'cause bros before pros, but he wants to at least pretend to be good.]
[Private: Braxiatel]
Bring me that list, preferably before the next dinner shift. I'll be leaving likely by morning, if not the morning after. See if you can't mark as many of those as possible with coordinates; I've repaired the psycho-telemetric circuit and I'd like to give it a go. And Brax... do make sure that everything on it still counts me a model of discretion. I'd rather not have him grumping after me if he denies you and catches me smuggling anyway. It's unnerving to be scolded by one's mirror image. [He just sounds amused by the idea, though.]
[Private: Una]
Bit of an accident in the lab, sorry. Bad news is, I'll need to leave in a few days or less--the sooner the better--and make a side stop almost immediately. The good news, however, is that I've got the proper circuits and safeguards in splendid working order on the console; I can guarantee that however long we're gone, we'll return safely in no more than three days' time Barge standard, and more likely in two. I'll certainly understand if you don't wish to come, but if your decision is solely in the interest of rest and recuperation...
[chuckle. You can almost HEAR the beam in his voice.] I know the most lovely and soothing of places, actually. I meant to show you as an aside during our previous excursion, but it slipped my mind. It's called the Eye of Orion... it literally provides an air of calm and a soothing effect, powered by the positive ionic concentration in its environment. Natural and harmless. And if I can promise anything, it's that I won't let you come to harm. Do let me know as soon as possible, and if you're coming, remember to pack light--her wardrobe is extensive--and bring Dios. They can both use the outing.
[Pause, and an afterthought:] I, ah... I'll be sure to make it clear to her that if you join us, you're to be excluded from the telepathic field. I'd wager you've had enough of that sort of thing.
[Private: Nine]
I'll be sure to check on him, and honestly, I'm sure he'll be all right, but just to be sure--did you say Satellite Five, or Satellite Five Hundred?
Oh--and would you mind terribly making a copy of the chip imprint on that bot, as well as the base programme? I believe we got too carried away with it for me to remember to do so myself.
[Filter: Randal and Ardent]
I've got to disappear for a few days. Convince me that I can trust you to work together in the library, please, or that at the very least, I won't come back to find one or both of you in the infirmary.
[Filter: Sarah, Martha, Miss Parker and Mister and Missus Sexby]
Short notice, I know, but must dash soon. Tell me of any treats or trinkets you'd like me to bring you, and I'll be happy to.
I'll come back, as I always do. I promise. [That bit was more for the benefit of Miss Parker, really.]
(( 1. He'll be back the next day if not sooner! For once, he'll be pleasantly surprised. :D If Una agrees to be absconded with, they'll go whenever she's ready, so Karin? NO RUSH. I AM NOT RUSHING YOU. xD
2. If I've stepped on the toes of anyone involved, particularly Gels or Naomi, let me know and I'll be happy to change things. Also, it's almost 4am and I am not thinking terribly clearly. If he has a friend he absolutely would tell about his trip and I forgot to include them here, TELL ME, I WILL ADD A MESSAGE TO THEM.
3. Time Lords, if you think it's ICly feasible (and ONLY if it is), feel free to realise "beryllium alloy armour... on an organic substance? WHY ARE YOU MAKING CYBERMEN IN THERE." He's not making Cybermen. He's going stir crazy and doing mad science he thinks will help his timeline (see BFA: "Spare Parts" for loose context). It is failing, will continue to fail indefinitely, and has no bearing on the Barge or plots. I just wanted him to talk science in public.
3. He is returning in that time frame(as is Una if she goes with), but I am going on an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka-dot hiatus. I'll call it a week, but it will probably be less. I need me some canon review, updating for new/unheard audios, and to get some other junk in order. Will backdate&assume, will still do backtags and respond to comments on this entry, and am always available for contact if you need to reach me about him. :3 ))