Jan 09, 2011 17:42
five misses being a space hobo,
can't we all just get along?,
five has an unhealthy relationship,
five does not approve,
dear admiral,
five has reverse abandonment issues,
responsible five is responsible,
post traumatic zen disorder,
five freaks the eff out about everything
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Coyolxauhqui is not a worshipper, but a deity in and of herself. She is her religion, and therefore doesn't see it as such. She exists, and intrinsically doesn't understand that her ways are inapplicable to those not under her jurisdiction. What's more, she was ripped from a cycle she must endure as long as her pantheon lives, and here, she's unable to meet her own criteria.
What she did was very wrong to everyone around her--including me--and she may yet come to understand this, but here, she's like unto a beast in a trap. She knows little else, and did what in any other circumstance would prove fruitful. Her folly, then, is not in misplaced faith, but in that she herself is misplaced.
Would that I could entreat the Admiral to simply return her and our resident deities to their lives and legends, things would be far less complicated for the rest of you. Sadly, it isn't an option.
I... I have difficulty with the concept of gods wanting sacrifice, or... anything, to be honest.
Equally, I... I don't know, I find that kind of action a little selfish. Because I do believe that there are circumstances where one life, for the sake of the well being of the many, of the community, of the people, is worth sacrificing. Is worth killing. I could empathise with Rose on that - her and her people killed one man because they thought it would keep her island from starving. It didn't work, but that's almost beside the point.
But... she gave, well, according to some, fourteen lives, for one person's well being. Hers. I'm only working on what I was told, but she did it for her own sake. Not for her people's sake, not for her other god's sake, but because... well, I don't know why, but I presume you do. There was nobody to protect, nobody to help. Just herself. No matter of whether she is a god, or a human, or whatever... I can't really sympathise with that.
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