[The Doctor's audio feed hits the network with a bit of a clatter. There are squealing and hissing sounds in the background, but fear not! He isn't exploding today. This is also not an accident, but he sound like he's doing his standard thing of Too Much to Handle At Once™.]
D'you remember- oh, wrong fil- blast it, I can't reach that button... no! NO! Stop that this instant! [Metallic screeeeeech, and a quiet 'foom' ensues, before he finally manages to tame his blowtorch and push the correct button, and his feed is no longer public enough to entertain the entire Barge.]
[Private: Ardent]
Sir, I'd like your assistance, if you aren't busy. You remember- [clatter-] err, d'you remember our discussions regarding octiron? You told me a couple of things you would need in such an instance, and- whoops... [Hissssss!] ...and, ah- I believe I know now what you had in mind. This is indeed a rather obstinate material. Got any idea of the rest of your supply list?
(Later edits):
[Private: Admiral]
Sir, I've got a bit of a list to request. It sounds rather odd, but I promise it's for the greater good- Arthas must be saved somehow, if the rest of us are to remain relatively safe. In my quarters, please, I'll need the following:
-A forge, and basic metalworking materials (if you know what the Dwarfs of Ardent's world use, then that will suffice)
-Hammer and anvil, preferably, err... magically charged?
-Wood from what is called 'the Ramtops,' if you can.
Thank you, I hope, in advance.
[Filter: Wizards! :D]
Are any of you in a position to work with a Dwarf for a magical metalworking project? It, err... it's very important.
(( This is NOT backdated, but is taking place after, and in reference to,
this. DON'T WORRY, ARTHAS. THE NERDS WILL SAVE YOU. MAYBE. Also, I realise I haven't left Doc up for much communication/interaction with anyone outside of direct responses to other people and private things here, and his being shut up in the library mostly, hence his mucking up his own entry today. HE'S ALIVE, GUYS. ))