There's three days left to this journal before
spacebeetle comes into play. I haven't decided if I want to delete
a-better-pace altogether yet. [shrug]
I saw Snakes on a Plane yesterday. Changed my life. Kind of like Eric Clapton's "Layla" changed my life, except Snakes on a Plane is ten trillion times more retarded. Retarded in that lovely way that you look at a modern sculpture, though.
I'm seeing the Shins tomorrow. And then I'm leaving for college the morning after that. I keep forgetting that Bob is coming with me and I miss him everyday. I feel like he'll be far away when in reality he'll be closer to me than we are now. He'll actually be only a floor up from me. Bob's just a flight away but I'm still silly by thinking that he's going to be across the globe. He really has become my best friend.
We've all been suffering since Nick has left. Tommy called him the other night when we were at Diana's party, and Tom was wasted, but Nick was even moreso. I got jealous that he was partying with other people. Haha. What a loser I am.
I wanted to make a sentimental picture post but I decided I didn't want to because that would be silly and time consuming and I don't have time to be silly or to consume time. So I won't make the post.
Now I must practice piano because today is my last lesson with Mrs. Lopardo perhaps ever. I'm hungry.