I don't often take entire Saturdays to be decadent ...
but yesterday was amazingly nice that way. Did some early morning RP which was fun and quite understated (both characters don't much buy into drama, so it was nifty that way), then I went to the "naked" spa with JA.
As some of you know, the spa I go to is a Korean-style spa, so we all run around in horrible little cotton robes and pink caps, then get naked and soak or bake or steam. Mmmmmm. I did. Bake and soak and steam. Felt soooooo good. I also had a pedicure for my poor, still-battered feet. The woman took one look at my foot and said, "What did you do??!" "Um, walked the 3-day?" "But that was in September!!" Yeah, yeah. I still have two bruised toenails on my right foot that are just doing nothing. They may be black for the rest of my life. I have no idea.
After the spa, I went over to
greyshade1 and L's for the first session of Amber Dreaming. Too . Much . Fun! L. worried about camera time issues, but ya know, that's how it goes, especially when everyone has split up. I thought we did fairly well at keeping each other amused during the downtimes, and we had some good IC discussions. My Dreaming character is The Feminine Mystique (aka Mystique or Mysti) and my Amber alter-ego is Florimel. Gadzooks. I don't know that I've ever played characters so non-combat oriented and, dare I say, helpless? Girly? Something? But it was fun!! And I like my girls! Maybe both of them will expand a little, though being all brawny and forward is what the men are for. ;) The rest of the characters we have are a kick in the pants ... there's a lot of humor to be had in being amnesiacs.
Stayed up way too late, slept in until 9:00, which is almost unheard of these days, and today is full of minor chores and ... something. I haven't figured out what yet. Writing? Crocheting? Cleaning up some more of the DIA logs that are waiting for me and giving me guilt? Dunno yet. There's always reading more of Beekeepers, too. Good stuff for a three-day weekend. Now, if the sun would come out, it would be perfect.