I've been reading Sluggy Freelance, a web comic by Pete Abrams for the last ... oh, seven or eight years now. And every now and then, Pete draws a frame that encapsulates a mood or attitude or an archetype, and it tickles me to no end.
The icon above is one such frame. (It's also a copyrighted image, so I'm a very bad girl ... at least I give credit where credit is due?)
If you're a fan of well-drawn geek-type comics that have some amazing storylines and crazy-fun characters, and you have a weekend with nothing else to do but catch up on ten years worth of stories, you can start with the New Viewer's Guide right here --->
http://www.sluggy.com/about/nvg.php The art has improved over the last decade, and some of the pieces from the last half of it are amazing. I tune in religiously for my daily dose of Sluggy ... hope you will too.
/end pimp for Sluggy Freelance.