everyone mourn sam's chicken

Oct 06, 2004 17:58

today was another cool day. *gasp* ASIDE FROM BEING SO COLD! jesus. anyway. English and church were lame. I slept in chem. I read fan fic in history. Sam and I had more POINTLESS adventures during lunch. i ate today. it was odd. i wanted to cut geometry but everyone bailed on me because they suck. italian was THE BEST CLASS EVER TODAY! we wrote a crazazy tema that kicks ass thank to SAM, NATALIE, and ME.

Vado al mercato. Ho mangiato le banane, poi mi vesta. Ho comprato una pasta per un pollo triste e titro laragoosto a nia sorella. Io mi addormento su il pollo di Sam e muori. Ho mangiato la pasta del pollo morto e ho venduto Natalie a Sam.

for those of you who don't know Italian...

I go to the market. I eat a banana and get dressed (John). I buy a pastry for my sad chick (Sam) and throw a lobster at my sister (Catherine). I fell asleep on Sam's chicken and it died (Natalie). I ate Sam's dead chicken's pastry and sold Natalie to Sam (Me).

Oh yeah. We are so fucking cool.

Then Sam and I made a POINTLESS venture onto the other Union Bus but it was really crowded so we got off and went on her regular bus. We passed Johny Fox getting into a fight. *Gasp* Now I am at Sam's house. Sean stopped by. He wasn't wearing any underwear and it was disturbing. On a happier note though, Sam's little brother Jack is the cutest little boy in the world and I am going to marry him. Yay. lol.

We're going to the mall later because we're cool catholic school girls who have to go shopping everytime we have a "tag day". Then I have to go home and do chem and english like whoa. And I seriously have to do it and not blow it off.

This is really an awesome week and I'm really happy.

The End.

Oh! And ps- thank you for your previous comments matt =D


Sam and I had so much fun at the mall. I got 2 awesome shirts that make me happy, really cute underwear, and LOTS OF LINDT CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES!! Today was the best day ever and I had the most amazing 57 seconds of my life today. ... haha Sam, we are losers.

And I'm still going to marry her brother because he's so adorable and I love him.



R.I.P. Rodney Dangerfield <3333
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