the system doesn't work for all of us.

Nov 29, 2007 14:27

recently I've been pondering government. Anarchy doesn't seem plausible because in the increasingly networked and globalized world we live in, an autonomous state and decentralized authority would suffocate or be taken advantage of by the world market.
so basically most developed nations in the world take the form of a "representative democracy" meaning that citizens give up some of their political authority to representatives who are supposed to work in the citizens interests. however as most jaded citizens believe, government simply takes our tax money for their own self gain and services remain shitty and mostly benefit large corporations and those of the upper class. also, another large problem is that corporations are starting to gain too much political and international power influence over governments and citizens.

I stumbled upon the terms Kleptocracy and Oligarchy. Basically, representative democracies can slide to be oligarchies and kleptocracies pretty damn easy in my view, and I believe we live in one. An oligarchy is simply a term meaning a government where decisions are made by a select few. no one person makes a final decision, but no public input is taken into consideration. a Kleptocracy is a government type where a select few are in control of the government and blatantly steer it to suit their own personal gain, such as the exploitation of resources or high taxes.

What I've been realizing lately is that influence from power and money speak volumes and can not be ignored. The government tends to introduce policies or focus on issues that are brought forth by mostly the dominant upper class. Although in Canada, we live in a democracy where we try to hear all voices and view points, those of the majority masses tend to fall on deaf ears because they work counter to the benefits of those in charge of the system. on top of that, those calling for improved rights or justice for critical issues can be ignored because the majority masses have little to no influence over the government, other citizens or other corporations. their only power is where they chose to allocate their scarce funds.

so all I've come to realize is that it makes sense to try and be on the upper side of the class scale because your opinion and desires will be taken into consideration more frequently. Now, whether we live in an Oligarchy, Kleptocracy or rational Democracy, it seems to be immaterial. the end result is that the higher on the bureaucratic hierarchical lader you go and the more money (influence) you have, the more regard you are given by society.

this kind of falls along side social darwinism, where the weak subcultures and cultural traits die out.


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