Aug 19, 2004 22:10

name: Megan Rochelle Bush

gender: female

height: 5'7"

hair color: dirty blonde

eye color: brown

fears: spiders!


single or taken: single

simple or complicated: UM depends!

mtv or bet: mtv

7th heaven or dawsons creek: 7th heaven

sugar or salt: sugar

silver or gold: both

tongue or belly button ring: belly button

chocolate or flowers: both

color or black: color..

stay late or sleep in: Stay up late

hot or cold: cold

taller members of the opposite sex or shorter: taller

sun or moon: both

left or right: right

10 acquaintances or one best friend: ummm i want both!

kids or no kids: kids!

newspaper or magazine: magazine

spring or fall: spring

rain or snow: I love both!

a year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship: Friendship

happy or sad: happy

mexican or italian food: Italian


First best friend: Nikky Toohey

First car: I wish for a red mustang!

First screen name: TooPicky3

First self purchased album: either Spice girls or Nsync

First funeral: my uncle Paul

First pets: my doggie, or my 2 rats

First piercing/tattoo: ears

First credit card: i wish

First enemy: um not sure

First musician you remember hearing in your house: uhh sister played the piano? lol


Last car ride: On the way home from Cosco

Last good cry: not sure... nothing really to cry about

Last library book checked out: I dont check them out anymore...

Last movie seen: little black book

Last beverage drank: water

Last food consumed: chicken

Last crush: mike i think.... or jordan

Last phone call: not sure proly courtney

Last time showered: yesterday

Last shoes worn: my sandles

Last cd played: Happy Mix or Kanye

Last item bought: Carls Jr food

Last annoyance: proly courtney lol i love you

Last disappointment: ummmm....

Last time wanting to die: no idea

Last shirt worn: softball shirt

Last website visited: the live journal

Last word you said: im in a good mood! lol

Last song you sang: Pieces of me! by Ashlee Simpson


What is in your cd player?: Happy Mix

What color socks are you wearing?: im not wearing any

What color of underwear are you wearing?: red and black

What's under your bed?: umm crap

What time did you wake up today?: 9

What do you want to be when you grow up: no idea im stupid!!

What was the worst day of your life: when my grandmother died

What do you usually think about before going to bed: um whats going to happen tomorrow!


who is your best friend: courtney and michael

who is the loudest: courtney

who makes you laugh: Everybody

who is the shyest: not sure

who is most entertaining: uh courtney

who is the hottest: they are both incredible

who laughs the most: all of us

who have you known the longest: Nikky

who have you known the shortest: kevin

do you hang out with a certain type: Mostly football guys

do you hang out with the opposite sex: yea not really any girls

do you trust your friends: some

are you a good friend: i think so...

can you keep a secret: depends on who it contains...
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