(no subject)

Aug 21, 2004 15:56


_-wallet: I dont use one normally
_-coffee cup: nonw
_-underwear: thongs
_-CD in stereo right now: the happy mix
_-tattoos: none
_-hair: straight

<<*Who or what (was/is/are)*>>
_-in my mouth: water
_-in my head: not sure
_-wishing: for something good to finally happen to me
_-after this: going to clean my room
_-talking to: nobody
_-eating: right now? mac and cheese
_-what's next to you: tv and the couch
_-something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: um nothing.... maybe school
_-something that you are deathly afraid of saying: spiders
_-do you like candles?: yeah
_-do you like hot wax?: not really
_-do you like incense?: yes
_-do you believe in love?: yeah
_-do you believe in soul mates: yes
_-do you believe in love at first sight?: yeah
_-do you believe in heaven?: yes
_-do you believe in forgiveness?: yea most of the time
_-do you believe in God?: of course!

_-who is your worst enemy?: no one
_-if you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?: umm a monkey or a piggy!
_-what are five cities you wouldn't mind relocating to: New York, Beverly Hills, Las Vegas, Texas, or Florida
_-what are some of your favorite pig out foods?: not sure
_-what's something that you wish people would understand?: me
_-what's something you wish you could understand better?: guys
_-who's someone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?: um my uncle steve and my cousin jen!

_-a. Ever dated anyone who was your best friend before?: yeah
_-b. Would you consider dating your best friends ex?: Definitely depends.... probably not
_-c. Have you kissed your best friends ex?: um sorta.... not really.....

------------RIGHT NOW------------
* Wearing: A skirt and a pink shirt
* I'm feeling: ummmm excited but i dunno why
* Eating: nothing
* Drinking: water
* Thinking about: nothing special
* Listening to: tv
* Talking to: nobody

------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------
* Cried: nope
* Worn a skirt: lol yeah
* Met someone new: umm no just met someone i didnt know i knew
* Cleaned your room: yeah alot....
* Done laundry: yeah alot
* Driven a car: No

------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------
* Your friends: Depends on the situation
* Santa Claus: no
* Tooth Fairy: no
* Angels: Yeah
* Ghosts: Yeah
* UFO's: no

------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?>> no
* Like anyone?>> I dont know....
s* Who have you known the longest of your friends?>> Nicole Toohey
* When you cried the most?>> um dont really cry that much
* What is the best feeling in the world?>> being in love
* Worst Feeling?>> breaking up, fighting, or losing a loved one
* Who sent this to you?>> no one i got it from courtney villa though

[bands] i dunno
[subject] Science
[food] Peanut Butter and Barbeque Sauce
[color] gray proly .... i dont know i like them all

<<*this or that*>>
* boxers or briefs?>> Etither one.
* plaid or striped?>> Striped
* scream or scream2 or scream3?>> umm i like them all
* ska or punk?>> doesnt matter
* salt or pepper?>> salt
* okay, ok, or o.k.?>> okay
* bright colors or dark colors?>> bright
* tic-tacs or certs?>> Gum
* sunshine or rain?>> Rain more... but i love sunshine
* rain or snow?>> I love Both
* sun or moon?>> Moon
* silver or gold?>> Both
* silk, cotton, or flannel sheets?>> Either one
* preps or freaks?>> Preps.
* popcorn-with or w/out butter?>> With ButteR!
* ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish?>> Kethcup and Mayo
* shampoo+conditioner in one or separate?>> Seperate

<<*if you were _______, what would you be?*>>
* an animal?>> proly tiger
* a fruit?>> cantaloupe...
* a vegetable?>> carrots
* a color?>> Hot pink
* a bug?>> Butterfly

<<*short answer*>>
* are you smart?>> in school
* do you like onions?>> no.
* what instruments can you play?>> None
* what words do you overuse?>> like
* do you like to fingerpaint?>> Yupp
* do you sleep with socks on?>> No
* are you ticklish?>> YEAH!!!.
* are you shy?>> Sometimes....
* do you talk to yourself?>> Sometimes hehe.
* is your house 1, 2, or 3 stories?>> 2.
* do you have a basement or an attic?>> not that i know of.
* did you go to preschool?>> Yeah.... child time!
* are you a morning person?>> Yes!!!
* whats your purity test score?>> lol

<<*hard questions*>>
* would you rather burn to death or freeze to death?>> Neither... die instantly or sleeping
* can money buy happiness?>> Sometimes... yeah i guess
* if you had to dye your hair right now, what color would you make it?>> BLONDEEEE!!!
* if you had to get a body piercing right now where would it be?>> Belly button!!
* if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would it be?>> A star on my lower back.
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