Apr 06, 2007 10:19
hey guys. what's up? nothing much over here, just looking out my window. the currently small-but-growing palm tree in our back yard is growing flowers or something. anyway, it looks like it. they're really little, though. if i ever get to charging my camera, i might take a picture.
wow. creepy. last night, some number called my cell phone at 12:16 in the morning. i just researched tyhe number via google maps, and it said someone in/from 7-Eleven called me. the scary things are that it was 12:16 in the morning and that someone knew my cell number. luckily, i'm alive and not being stalked, so i'm hoping it was a wrong number. but yeah...that's creepy. my mom once saw this one famous political person there {ann rice? is that her name?}...but yeah, that's random. xD
see y'all!
palm tree,
seven eleven