Jan 10, 2005 22:05
Ha, i keep forgetting about this thing, well anyway havent done much lalty, got a car for xmas, its stick, ive yet to completly master it but ive got it down for the most part, my first love is still music, second are the ladies, even tho ive none to call my own, i need a job cuz seaworld is annoying and my last day was new years eve, where i got home at 11:50 to find my parents and all their freinds camped in my back yard letting off strobe light fireworks yelling "STOOORRRBBEEE LIGHT" appearently they were drink, it was funny, kinda had to be there, so ya ive got all As in school too. Prolly just cuz the semester just started but o well, ive got some speakers and a cd player to install in my car, but i havent yet, just broke my radio cuz we were inspecting the car. so i need to get that done. wathced more episodes of family guy in the past few weeks then you have during an all day marathon, kinda...so anyway ya thats my story of the month, wait i saw Max today, thats cool, i was driving tommy around and then decided to go see if he was home, he wasnt so i saw him walking, picked him up and took him home, we talked for like 5 minutes, so ya im out, gonna hit the hay, later