Jan 20, 2017 18:31
Trump is now our president, and no savior will stand between America and its mess. Best case scenario, the most powerful man in the world is a New York Berlusconi. At worst? Picture an elderly, vindictive trust fund brat, surrounded by kleptocrats, racists and pucker-faced spawnlings, his toy box stuffed with spy tools and death machines, the likes of
which prior despots could never have imagined.
It takes both skill and luck to bake a FailCake as bad as this, and you’ve got to do the prep work for years. Start with a racist celebrity liar. Soak him in media attention. Plunk him into the electoral college, a system engineered to empower slave states at the expense of densely populated cities, then subtract Section Four of the Voting Rights Act and add in a dash of discriminatory voter ID laws in crucial states.
Next, bake upon the ashes of neoliberalism. Shred in Hillary Clinton, victim of misogyny and her husband’s scandals, who also represents everything cowardly, venal and bland about the old order. Smother the whole mess in resentment - some economic woe, some racism, some hatred of women, some deserved loathing for our political class. Sprinkle with “oh fnck it.”
Remove on 8 November. Serve lukewarm.
Here's my thoughts: Trump is the President. He will never, not in a million years, be my president.