The Rise of the Alt-Right

Nov 13, 2016 08:21

The Atlantic has a great article today on the rise of the alt-right as well as various other hate groups, all propelled by various online sites.

One of the culprits in this area is facebook. FB claims that is a simply a social media gathering place, but this is patently false. One half of all Americans get their news from facebook and when they allow headlines such as Hillary Clinton Calling for Civil War If Trump Is Elected. Pope Francis Shocks World, Endorses Donald Trump for President. Barack Obama Admits He Was Born in Kenya. FBI Agent Who Was Suspected Of Leaking Hillary’s Corruption Is Dead. they have become a dangerous propaganda tool.

Various hate sites have seen as much as a 600% increase in their membership, all of them are enthusiastic Trump supporters.

At eh very least, pressure needs to be brought to bear on facebook, twitter and all other mainstream sites to develop a real editorial presence over their content. If you type in Martin Luther King into google, the third link brings to a hate site. There is something seriously wrong here.

To read the who article (which I recommend) How Racism Went Viral. In a stunning bit of irony, comments are not moderated at The Atlantic and guess what? Comments are now a cesspool of alt-right hate speech. (The online editor is taking steps to change this. It can't come soon enough.)


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