Open on Sunday: Song Titles

May 27, 2015 00:14

Buffy, Xander, Willow
post series

Baba O'Reilly

"I can't believe this. Green footprints all over the laundry, ten quarts of ice cream eaten plus several girls have complained about being spied on in the shower! Willow, are you positive you can't magic this headache away?"

"Sorry. Buffy, nothing has worked. I think the strong belief of people works as a counter balance. Kind of the clap-your-hands-if-you-believe-in-magic Tinkerbell effect."

"Or the season 3 finale of new Who," Xander added.

"Face it. You're going to have to buy them off with cold hard cash."


"At least you get to tell Giles he was wrong. Leprechauns really do exist!"

fic: xander, fic, fic: post-series, fic: buffy, open on sunday drabble, fic: willow

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