I've been basically off LJ for the last 2 weeks due to work. Which is sad. I even wound up working all weekend. But enough of that.
I liked almost none of it. It saddens me to say this because I was looking forward to it, but show you've let me down big time.
The whole thing seemed tired to me. No spark. Like they were going through the motions.
So, specifics.
The hospital vs home birth argument. This made absolutely no sense to me because Brennan's arguments against a hospital birth was that hospitals are breeding grounds of infection. How come this was never a fear during the many times one of them has been hospitalized in the past? I understand that surgery requires a hospital stay so no choice, but I would have expected her to worry about the possibility of staph infection then (which is a much more likely scenario.) Plus, let's face it, in the history of tv has the star ever guven birth in a hospital? So, since there was never a possibility, I just didn't care.
Booth leading Sweets on to get him to do his dirty work. I don't have a problem with Booth teasing Sweets but this just rubbed me the wrong way.
The little girl in the beginning. How old was that kid? Because she looked way to old ro just be learning toilet training. My youngest was 3 1/2 so I know from old, but this kid looked like she was 5.
Bremmam being completely oblivious to a prison riot. Come on. She's focused not spaced out.
The whole giving birth in a manger. I did not understand Booth's point at all. What was that supposed to prove? Alo, where did they get the baby hat from? And why didn't Booth call 911? Plus, as an aside, from time labor is almost always a long, long deal. Not always of course, but still, this was super fast.
Things I did like:
Daisy "relaxing" with Sweets. His expression was priceless when she left him high and dry.
The baby name.
Booth's giany hands on that little baby. Sue me, I'm shallow.
So am I in the minority? What's the consensus?