One of the wonderful things about the Buffyverse is that it is far, far from over. I'm constantly reading great new insights, fascinating meta and, most importantly, wonderful fic.
A particular pleasure is finding new writers (or at least new to me). So, here are a small bunch of fics by people who I haven't come across before. Read, enjoy and feed and revel in the amazing fact that after almost 10 years since the first Buffy episode was aired, there is still so much left to explore.
Blue Ice by CassR - Spike, gen fic. Spike in Russia, through the eyes of an original character. Haunting and lyrical.
Two Boats and a Helicopter by MabusPG - Buffy, gen (with mentions of some other characters) - a future where not only are things very different, but the hints of this new world order are both frightening and tantalizing. Great Buffy voice here.
Cave by EnigmaR - Buffy/Angel. The first fic in an ongoing series, this is a bleak, beautiful story in a world where hope seems to have disappeared, yet still Buffy and Angel come together because they can't not.
Untitled by UkyochanPG - Buffy/Angel. Ukyochan has been on my flist for a while, but rarely graces me with fic. This ficlet is more a mood piece than anaything else, a glimpse at a moment that Angel knows he won't be allowed to hold onto.