(no subject)

Dec 21, 2004 10:59

this is a short poem thta descibes how ppl treat us for beign who we are

Just Let it Be

People persecute me for being me
it hurts to know i cant be myself
i tell people who i am
and they get frightened
o let it be just let it be

people just dont realize that is was jus a few poeple
not everyone
and yet people assume we are all the same
some just dont understand who we are
we are known for brotherhoood and love
o let it be just let it be

why are u afraid of me
im not them
im me
im not like them
im just like you
o let it be just let it be

when other people do sumthing wrong
it is never known
but when we do sumthing wrong
it is known all over
o let it be just let it be

who cares who i am
what happend to that saying
itz in the inside
o let it be just let it be

it is ok to say it
i noe
but sometimes ppl take me to seriously
they think im a terrorist
im not
im me
o let it be just let it be

ok u guyz should noe wat this is about.. i just wanted to tell u that i hope u dont think im so crazy lunitic for being me...
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