Dec 01, 2010 18:50
Because I haven't posted here in forever it seems and there's a crazy amount of stuff going on
First my job related stuff. Nov 12-19 M-F I worked a temp job for other temp agency. This week I got called back to that place for 1 week only. Today they said they're getting a huge new order in Friday and would I switch to scanning and stay until the end of the month. SCORE! On the Garda front(my money counting 2 day week job) Got called to go last week and no one showed someone forgot to call me to least I got paid 2 hours for my troubles. Got a call this week that Garda may be out until the new year so that works nicely. Both the networked jobs fell through. Did get a call finally from the home care place that "hired" me in April but has never sent me on assignment. Have not gotten a chance to discuss things with them yet so unknown what will happen with that. Also may be helping a friend with basically a party planning business. Oh and I'm creating a portfolio to possibly do some professional photography as well. As for volunteer work we have a new lighting rig at church and I am still figuring it all out. Once I do I will be training new techies and then letting it go again. That's what I really like to do get something up and running and train people to make it keep working.
Pat's job...temp job over Halloween got moved until the weekend of the 12th. He also got promoted again to project manager on the day or 2 days maybe before and much stress was involved including crazy velcro shopping and staying up until 1am trying to make their documents make sense. 21 hour shift Friday-Saturday and then 3 hours sunday morning doing nothing and then returning the velcro that could be returned. But he will be making more from that weekend that I typically do in 2 months so good deal. He never wants to be PM again as he spent most of the time trying to soothe the client and almost zero time actually working with/directing his team.
In Pat Grad school related news tonight he was supposed to be turning in a final paper however he had to get an extension because all his research needs to come Interlibrary loan and like none of it is here yet though he requested it in October. Very frustrating for us both. And crazy scheduling stuff means he's doing his last 2 required classes for the degree independant study this spring so he can have a job. should be interesting.
Pat's family- His cousin David had surgery today to get a tumor removed which also involved removing his thyroid, some lymph nodes, and his left vocal cord. He was in ICU leading up to the surgery because the tumor had swollen and was crushing his windpipe. On the plus side the surgery took 7 hours instead of 12. On the minus side he will have a trachea tube for at least 6 months. This is his Mom's side of the family. Her other sister lost a daughter Pat's age to Leukemia when she was 7. I never saw a picture of Rebekkah and rarely was she mentioned until Pat and I had been married over a year. To say David's cancer is stirring up memories is too mild. Pat got to be there most the day keeping Crazy Aunt Dianne from going too crazy. Her ex-husband was there too with his new wife (the secretary after the one he was cheating on her with).
Black Friday was very good to us. As early Christmas gift from the parents we got a new office chair OH SO comfy! And I FINALLY got a digital picture frame for a reasonable price. YAY getting to see pictures...if I ever get a chance to finish loading the card:)
OK more craziness is there to talk about but I just realized this is my one chance at the computer this week so I better get to loading the card and writing that tech doc for the lighting system...the parts of it that I've figured out anyway.