May 12, 2009 11:51
And I was very productive last week so I am fairly flexible with my schedule this week.
The corsages and bouts are all done for Mary's wedding. They are packed along with the rehearsal bouquet, the vases, all my flower stuff for doing the bouquets etc etc for easy transport. Some time this week I need to call and pay for the real flowers I ordered and next Wednesday I pick them up because some of them will need some prompting to open up for me. That is all I have to do for that wedding though.
The first shower, bachelorette party and favor making went well and are done for Julie's wedding. Now I just have a second shower on Sunday for that. Still have to get the gift together but I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing and it'll be simple.
If we didn't keep adding more junk the house would be semi clean. I've gotten the dishes down to a normal amount which should mean today or tomorrow they will be utterly conquered (TODAY...only 1 small load left!). But our living room is unusable because we've got all kinds of boxes for packing in there with everything else including Pat's bike.
I got my ring inspected and the car's oil got changed as well.
I am sad I didn't get to spend as much time with Anna as I'd hoped. Our insane sleep over of watching girly anime ended up not happening because she felt sick so now I am sad. Not as much fun watching alone.
In other news...
Pat has gotten loans that will pay for the school part. Maybe even a little extra to cover books and stuff but we still don't have employment or housing up there. Now that my schedule has freed up that's my job to find. Speaking of job...I think my one here is over. I haven't gotten a final pay check yet though so I will poke about that(DONE). If I could find something a little more steady here for over the summer it'd be great but who knows. I definitely need to look for something for this fall though along with further apartment searches.
The FUEL lending library appears to be going well. Basically we're trying to keep it all stuff you might find at a Christian bookstore so we're not getting as many donations as we otherwise might but it's growing and people are starting to use it.
We also have picked up a copy of Battlestar Galactica and Dokapon kingdom both of which we find to be marvelous investments.
My plan for the rest of the day:
Put away left overs DONE
Do the last load of dishes to catch them up DONE
Put in a load of laundry DONE
Balance checkbook DONE
Make book due call for FUEL lending library DONE
Call Aunt Cheryl and plan to take her the CDs Mom sent with me DONE
Do some form of other housework based on my mood from the following list: clean oven, clean bathroom, scrub floors, straighten up the upstairs, or clean up the downstairs bits of several done
Do at least some job and or apartment search stuff
Shopping after Pat gets off work DONE
Possibly getting the shower gift together tomorrow
Probably some more Dokapon kingdom OH YEAH!