
Apr 03, 2009 18:50

Once again it's been 2 weeks or so since my last post.
We've had another birthday party and I've worked almost 60 hours in the last 2 weeks.
I have been crazy busy with FUEL stuff and Pnuema stuff and wedding stuff and still trying to be social and get the house in shape...yeah the house is suffering badly. We haven't even had a chance to think about Easter yet.
In FUEL news we are turning the merch crew into a lending library. Should be fun.
In Pnuema news no one showed up this week. Last week we had some one for about 20 minutes. The new folks never came back and we haven't seen either of our regular attenders in at least 2. This week it was kind of a relief because I had been late enough getting home and had all my baking dishes dirty so I didn't have anything made. And Pat had a 2 am today.
As for wedding stuff trying to get dress done, plans made, bachelorette party planned, gifts bought etc etc etc. Way too many weddings. Sorry guys not making you special somethings cause I don't have the time.
Trying to spend lots of time with folks that we probably won't see much/at all after Pat starts grad school. Especially since we're mid-series watching with several folks...different series:)
In fun news Drew, Pat's old roomie who was our musician at our wedding, will be staying a night with us soon. We haven't seen him since May 07 so that'll be fun.
In grad school news, we have gotten some good financial aid from Wheaton but need even more loans to cover it. I have not been able to do more on my job or apartment search this week but I did find a couple spots near campus that allow cats so that's good. Right now all the money I am earning is being poured into our car payments to try to get the car paid off by august so we don't have to worry about that too. My student loans plus our other living expenses will be more than enough to try to cover on basically just my income.
OK I am now starving so I'm going to wake Pat up and get us FOOD!
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