(no subject)

Nov 30, 2008 12:17

News news news

Thanksgiving Mom came and brought most the meal. We had cheeses and some pickles and olives and mashed potatoes. She brought more pickles, olives, carrots, celery, rolls, cranberry sauce, ham, turkey and gravy. I made a blueberry pie with a graham ccracker crust...problem the crust was burning and the filling wasn't done... Oh well it's still good just not awesome and the crust was the best though I had to mod the recipe a little so it wasn't slop.
We went shopping. Got some good wrapping stuff at Walgreens. At Kmart got a couple nice board games and because we are the luckiest people in town a Wii though they thought they'd sold out of them 6 hours before. Also looked around Meijer...Mom bought some stuff but we didn't.
Took food to aunt Cheryl and hung out with her. Planned to come see her the next day with more stuff. Talked to Anna and made plans for ridiculous Black Friday shopping.

Black Friday. Got up at 2 am. Picked up Anna at 2:30 am. Went to Penney's. Realized we could have gotten up at 3 and still been far enough to the front of the line to get what we needed there. But the weather was not horrible and the Penney's people let us in between the 2 doors and the area was heated! After Penneys we hit Bergners where Pat and I found most of what remains of his parents gift and part of Mom's gift. Anna found her boots. We tried Kohl's but it was just not happening. Went to IHOP and had the most amazing waiter while waiting for more stores to open. The problem with doing all the 4am stores before 5 and the rest of the places not really opening until 6. We looked at the line at Target, laughed and returned to Meijer where I got some pajama pants and CD cases, Mom got the boots she'd seen at Kohl's for the same price and some other stuff. Then we went back to Target and found my mixer (a stand mixer that can detach and be a hand mixer for $25 since my hand mixer is about shot and I really wanted a stand mixer but we don't really have space for one to be out and Oh my Gosh I just realized I has a stand mixer I can make cream cheese crack mints of ultimate awesome! Anyway also at Target we picked up a few movies a rice cooker and mom got a bathmat. Then having bought everything on our lists we returned Anna home, unloaded the car and packed the stuff to take to Aunt Cheryl. Seatle claimed Pat so Mom and I went alone. Around 10 we came back and Mom packed up and left. I then crashed. Around 3 or 4 we got up, I ate, and we went back out. Seems like we bought something but I don't remember.

Saturday we got up late and started running errands. I got my perscription and we got a few more things for Mom for Christmas, we looked at kitties for a possible new companion for Seattle, we did recon on getting the racks we've been given on wheels and painted for FUEL merch, met up with friends and Pat went to run errands with them while I got a few groceries. We then spent several hours playing Rock Band and in general having a blast.

Today we woke up to 3 inches of snow on the ground. And now I've got to get busy with the things that still need to be done before FUEL tonight so...
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