Mar 07, 2007 23:02
I have a three hour wait before our flight to Atlanta boards, so this is as good a way to spend time as any.
I got word from NAU that I've been accepted into the PhD program- not funded. Steve and I are here in Arizona, visited NAU and its truly a beautiful campus, and everyone has been incredibly nice, and incredibly friendly. But I can't help but feel a little sad- NAU is known for their western history program, and that's definitely Steve's niche, and he's great at it. The proof? Other than his clear analytical skills and writing ability, they are all but begging him to attend. He'll be the first fully funded PhD student- they've waived ALL of his tuition. Moreover, they are giving him 300 dollars for books that might help his research and $1000 to travel to conferences. I told Steve that they wouldn't be willing to spend that kind of money on him if they didn't see him as an investment, someone capable of offering huge returns. And he is- I have always known he is capable of greatness. I saw it in his thesis, I hear it when he talks. And its a great place for him, a place that will provide a ton of tools to help better him as a historian. I think it'll be a great place for me as well-- but not for a PhD. I don't think NAU is where I want to finish my education; however, I know they wil do what Toledo has failed spectacularly at doing, and thats teach me to be a historian. So I'll do a second Masters.
A part of me, a small part, is a little sad. I don't think it was their intention to treat me as an afterthought, and they were very kind to me, and I had avery good conversation with Dr. Connell, who said he would work with me- however, I can't help but feel that Steve is their goal, and I'm sort of along for the ride. The graduate advisor said I was on a waiting list for funding but, well, funds were tight. And that's fine, and understandable- I'm not a western historian, and I don't think I would be a good representative of the program if I got my PhD there since they're not known for European history... but still. It's a bit rough feeling like an afterthought.