Title: Duty’s To Be Done (To Be Done).
Author: Prochytes.
Fandom: Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes/Inspector Morse/Castle/Torchwood.
Rating: PG-13. Angst, some (non-graphic) violence, canonical and non-canonical character death, and the POVs of Gene and Ray, with all that that entails.
Characters: Gene Hunt, Ray Carling, Alex Drake, Sharon Granger, Jim Keats, Sam Tyler (LoM/AtA); Endeavour Morse (IM); Kate Beckett (Castle); Gwen Cooper (TW).
Disclaimer: The long arm (and legs) of the Law herein depicted do not belong to me.
Summary: Anyone who has ever been a copper might run into Gene Hunt. Sooner or later.
Word Count: 1375.
A/N: Significant spoilers for Ashes to Ashes 3x08 and for Castle to the end of Season Three; small spoilers for TW to “Children of Earth: Day One”.
The Far Country )