Title: move toward their end
Fandom: Ashes to Ashes
Featured Characters: The big fuckoff spoiler for 1.08.
Genre/Rating: Creepy gen; teen.
Content: Through 1.08. Deals with potentially triggery situations and characters contained therein: contains no dialogue or actions more disturbing than what was aired, but does involve spending a certain amount of time in the consciousness of someone whose general outlook on life could be fairly termed "creepy as fuck."
Disclaimer: Characters: Kudos/BBC. Title and summary:
Nick Cave. Summary: "I will tell you the story of a man and his family, and I swear that it is true."
Wordcount: 903
Notes: Oh, god, the long strange trip it's been with this one... I started writing it more or less in the aftermath of 1.08, to ex0rcise the voice from my head, and then promptly forgot about it a few weeks later; if I thought about it at all between then and last summer, it was to assume I'd lost the file when my laptop died. Which, as it turned out, I hadn't -- owing to my fortuitous habits of a: needing reassurance on everything I start, and b: never deleting anything from my outbox -- and when I remembered it in the aftermath of Series 3, it turned out I did just about know what to do with the damn thing after all.
And then I abandoned it for a few more months, because it was creeping me out to write.
And then I started rewatching S1, and got tired of saying "... I should totally finish that" about once per week, and sat down and actually did it, and succeeded in making myself vastly uncomfortable in the process; I'm still really not sure where this came from at all, and I don't like how easy parts of it were to write, and having written it feels a bit like carrying a live cobra around in my backpack.
And I'm still, on the whole, damn proud of having done it. As one does.
the sun to me is dark/and silent as the moon/do you, sir, have a room?/are you beckoning me in? )