Title: The days that are no more (
Reference) (2500 words)
Fandom: due South (s1 spoilers)/Ashes to Ashes (post-finale, intentionally vague)
Summary: I was accidentally shot by my partner while trying to catch a train and, for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, I have found myself in London in 1985.
Rating: Some cursing
Notes: All
odditycollector's fault. Pre-read by her & by
Spoilers: Ashes to Ashes: This story does not explain anything about the universe in which it is set, and it does not spoil anything for Ashes to Ashes except in the sense of which characters are present or absent. That said, the story functions by the same narrative laws as Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes, and may lead to a better understanding of the mythos that constitutes much of those series' main mysteries.
due South: Spoilers for the end of season 1.
Story text @ DW