Title: And Then It Goes BOOM
Fandom: D. Gray-Man
Characters: Kanda, the Science Dept., Allen.
Genre: Crack?
Summary: see the title >.>;;
Word Count: 367
A/N: Ignore the title, pwease >.>;;
Random drabbles I made for a challenge in a forum because
finite_farfalla asked me to. Written in 15 minutes while my co-workers were all "Go hoooomeeee~ Let's go hooooomeeee~" so yeah, pardon the crappiness. I won't even crosspost this thing >.>;;;
enjoy anyway? :'D
He was not surprised. Certainly not, even if there was smoke rising in a supposedly indoor room.
Supposedly, because now there was a huge hole on the wall, and with the room being in the-what floor was this again? Third? Fourth?-those science dorks currently clinging to what was left of the wall should just be glad they didn't fall over and die.
From behind the smoke, surfacing from under the pile of what was formerly chaotically arranged reports that were no more than a mountain of junk now, a sheepish laughter was heard, and he could see those stupid glasses glinted, despite the owner was surrounded by smoke.
"Oh my~ I didn't think the effect would be that strong. My bad, my bad," said the Chinese scientist oblivious to the total and utter chaos he'd caused just because one goddamn potion fucking exploded.
"You didn't think at all you stupid idiot!" Kanda wondered why he had to submit his report now.
There was another coughing sound coming from his right, and he just knew it was the stupid white-haired midget. Walker had been his partner from the mission earlier, and he'd been right by his side when the explosion happened.
The smoke cleared up and Kanda could see the mop of dirty white hair as Walker raised his head and-
And he fucking laughed. At him. In his face.
"What the-"
"Your hair," the beansprout managed to gasp in between laughter, forefinger pointing at his general direction.
It was then that Kanda reached a hand up to take a few strands of his long, silky hair-which, he found to be no longer silky because-
"Oh my god, it's curly," an obnoxious voice exclaimed from somewhere behind him, and when Kanda turned his head, Johny Gill was already rolling on the floor, laughing.
He wasn't the only one. The other stupid scientists, with torn lab coats and messed up hair and foggy glasses were all laughing because his hair fucking turned curly due to whatever it was that had exploded and-oh fuck it.
'Science Department' my ass.
Kanda unsheathed Mugen and-he was so going to trash this place into Hell.
....*ducks to avoid rotten vegetables*