First of all, it's a little early, but while I get the chance, let me greet my beloved wife:
I hope that you will get all the best in life, suceed in your studies, be blessed in any decisions you make, etc etc etc!
Oh, and I hope the God o Greatest Love, TezukaFuji-sama, will always be with you forever and ever and a day! XD
I'm really sorry I'm such an incompetent wife; I haven't even started writing on your b'day fic!! *shoots self*
I will start writing it ASAP, but I'll take my time, coz I think it would be difficult to pull off. Be patient ne? :D
I love you! *hugs*
Anyway, two days ago I went to visit a friend from high school, named Dhany. I went there with another high school friend named Riki.
We haven't met each other since eons ago and the three of us talked about many things; one of them being... perversion. lol.
Me : Aren't all boys pervy?
Dhany : Nooo, of course not! Not all boys are pervy, you know...
Riki : *with an innocent face and tone* Which boy isn't?
LOL. So we came to a conclusion that all boys are actually perverted. They only differ in:
1. Level of perversion.
2. Skills in hiding their pervy tendencies.
Onto fandom (read:TeFu), I just found out something rather... funny, methinks. *grins*
Sooo, it turned out that my kitten, Tweety, is actually female. The Mating season has come and when a big, old, male cat was trying to rape her that I found out Tweety is a she. (But she's underaged, you lolicon old cat!)
Anyway, one day when I was working on a TeFu fanart, as usual, Tweety was somewhere near me. At that time, she was sitting on the CPU and buy the time I realized, she was staring intently at my monitor.
I let her be, coz really, she is a curious little kitty. I kept working on the fanart, when suddenly she jumped onto the keyboard table, and started pawing my TeFu fanart!!
I could just stare in awe when she kept on pawing Tezuka's face,and then Fuji's face, and I was like:
Of course I could be biased towards my kitty's action. But still, it amused me to no end even until now. XD
More quizes~
you are plum
Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.
Your saturation level is low - You stay out of stressful situations and advise others to do the same. You may not be the go-to person when something really needs done, but you know never to blow things out of proportion.
Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
the html color quizOoh nice. Red and Blue are my fave colors <3
and I'm amazed that this result is just sooo true. LOL.
What's Important to You... And What Isn't:
For you, primal needs like eating and sleeping are your top priorities.
You find getting things done to be incredibly stressful. You don't like having things to do.
Your most important priorities get your attention. You are happily able to let the less important things slide.
You want thinking to be a high priority, but you don't take enough time for yourself.
The Priority TestLOL. So I love to eat and sleep? mo wonder I'm sooo chubby... *dies*
That's all for now, see ya~