Of Ghosts and Fic Memes. ... LOL

Oct 20, 2008 14:23

Sooo, last night, me and my wife, vierblith_tefu had a rather unromantic chat involving ghosts.
We found out that the "types" (or species?) of ghosts we have in Indonesia and the Phillipines are rather similar. just sometimes differ in names and appearances.
The most common one is 'the White Lady', I think, which is a woman in white with long hair and such. we have similar cases of this lady in white stopping a taxi and even responded when asked where to go, but some minutes later, the passanger dissapeared from the backseat.
Other than that, there are these 'creatures' that eat babies or people, or the ones that eat fetuses and the ones that lure children/people and take them.
(Here, we even have the one that specialized in stealing money XD;; they are called "Tuyul")

Now I'm wondering, what types of ghosts do you people have in where you're from? :D
Well, this is just my random curiosity, you see XD;;


anyway I have t fics meme, stolen from vierblith_tefu

Top Five Favorite Fics Meme

Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

Well these may not be the best from me, but these are my own favorites, in random order XD
I have six coz I can't decide, you see...

1. The Lone Samurai
Yes, even though it was such a headache and it made me feel like a meanie, I DO love this fic. Mainly because I made people cry, mwahahaha! I've never written anything like this before, and I've always been fond of the Samurai era. putting my fave pairing in that era with much blood and angst and actually managed to pull it off (according to my readers, at least) made me feel accomplished <3
And I kinda like how I was more descriptive than usual in this fic. heheh...

2. The Smilig Merman
My first AU and my first real multi-chaptered fic which I still fail in updating. I had fun converting the original tale into this TeFu-version, and I kinda love the Fuji I wrote here, heheh.
This is the fic with most reviews both in ffnet and in LJ. This seems to be well-received too, and I have to admit I'm rather proud of it XD
that's why people, this fic is NOT dead. I PROMISE to finish this fic... one day... but I will.. one day... *is shot*

3. And Here, We Meet Again
Well... I just love this fic. I feel like I could finally give people the non-existent match between Tezuka and Fuji in the manga here. It was a headache too, writing the tennis, but the outcome is quite satisfying to me. And in this fic, for the first time I actually write any tennis XD
I also kinda like how I characterised Tezuka and Fuji, and how I managed to portray their "friendship" which obviously screams for MOAR! here. I feel accomplished as a TeFu fangirl XD.

4. Moments With You.
I enjoyed writing their daily activities in this fic, and how their relationship developed from 'friends-only' to 'more-than-friends-yet-not-quite-lovers-but-are-together-nonetheless' XDD
I especially enjoyed writing from Tezuka's POV and made Fuji somehow mysterious-but-not-really. and I love that I didn't make Fuji has a totally-uke character here. I love co-dominance XD
And I also have falen in love with this universe that I sometimes write drabbles in this verse, and still I will write more drabbles/ficlets/fics for this verse!

5. The Little Captain
I love this because torturing Tezuka was fun I actuallymanaged to write crack, and somehow succeded. I fail at crack, you see. My default mode is fluff XD
and well.. i just had fun writing mini!Tezuka and mischievous-but-caring!Fuji XD

6. Behind the Glass Window
First time writing in 2nd person's POV (though it's not really a 2nd person POV after all XDD). I love the twist in the ending, and loved that people didn't see it coming. *grins*

LOL. yeah, all of them are TezuFuji. I seem to have written a lot of them, eh? XD

Soo, I'm supposed to tag 5 people.... I'll tag:
1. tacuma811
2. lovefujitez
3. eliza_natsuko
4. chibikaoruchan
5. lafuego
Do it, do it DO IT!! Nyahahahaha >D

Anyway next meme:
Timestamp meme
Give me one of my own stories, and a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of the story, or sometime in the past before the story started, and I'll write you at least a hundred words of what happened then, whether it's five minutes before the story started or ten years in the future.

Sounds interesting? Go and gimme a timestamp! It doesn't have to be my TeFu fics. you can ask for my ShiroAi too XD
Just... I can't do TSM coz it's not finished. sorry, people >.<
but anything, I'll manage, I think :D

random, fanfiction, meme

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