So... I just learned how to make these, and these are my first and second trial so they're not perfect, but I hope these are good enough :D
oh, and
vierblith_tefu, I think you're going to like these *grins*
I just learned how to make a WINAMP SKIN!! yay for me XDDD
This is my first trial:
As you can see, this is from the accompanying fanart for the first chappie of my
The Smiling MermanMaking this, I forgot to have breakfast and I kept staring at my monitor for about 4 hours, whew... quite a torture to my eyes.
If you look at this closely, there's actually some errors in the pic, but really, really small ones, though, and since it would appear small in winamp, I guess that's okay XD;;
how do you like it? :D
Then, after I got the jist on how to do this, I made this one:
Yup, this is from my
(kind of) fanart I posted before, w00ts~!
I honestly think that this one is ay better than my first trial, but you know, first never best XDDD
When it's first finished, I didn't realize there was an error around Fuji's ear, but when I enlarged it, I went "oh, NOOO!!!"
and then with the help of my brother, we managed to fix it, so I can say that this one is almost perfect :D
there's one problem though. there's this one set of codes that I don't understand taht kept me from changing the graphic bar(?) colors, you know the one that will move when you play the song, second row on the upper left?
since I dun understand the coding, I just delete the set and so the colors are the default black and white as you can see there.
can anyone tell me how to encode the coloring for that bar?
Anyway, now that I barely know how to make a winamp skin, I WILL make a TeFu skin from that Fuji-assisting-Tezuka screenshot that
vierblith_tefu posted before.
So Vier-chan, since you wanted a TeFu skin, you'll get it. Aren't you happy? XDDD
I promise to make it as soon as I can. I'll have a lot of time with my PC after my brother go back to his rented room next Monday. And beside, the "Fasting Month"(?) is coming, and I'd rather spend my time in front of my PC to forget my hunger and thirst >.>
I dunno if you guys would be interested, but you can download the
TSM skin and the
Tezuka crying skin in my deviantart :D
just tell me if you're taking any of them ne? :D
See you guys again next time :D