Wow, my birthday this year is a happy one indeed. first, I turned 20. Then, my usually annoying brother was being nice.
he bought me a black forrest with his own money x3 I never thought he'd do that, really.
He didn't say anything, my mom told me about it ^^;
He didn't say "Happy Birthday" and I didn't say "Thank You". I think we both feel that there's no need for words.
We're awkward with words when it comes to things like showing affection or such. We've never even said "Sorry" or "Thank you" to each other XD;;
But well, we're siblings and only a year apart so we don't really need words I think ^^;
Anyway I'm so surprised that I got many b'day gift from my f-list! I only expected 3 fics since only
dhorz and
vierblith_tefu said they were going to write me b'day fics, but then I found some of you guys also gave me b'day gifts! I'm so happy!
Here's the list of b'day gifts I got up until now (All of them but two are TezuFuji x3):
Go Fish by
lovefujitez (I also got some UVERworld songs from her ♥)
Lullaby (OshiGaku) by
Shirayuki-hime by
(Untitled) by
a TezuFuji fanart by
Hope by
Cinderezuka by
Bits and Pieces by
My Tennis Club has WHAT? by
Addiction (KiriAn) by
White" by
dhorz They all are so sweet and nice, thank you so much! I'm so happy!
Oh, and I also got ecards from
speadee and
ilovefuji_xx (she also gave me 2 ShiroAi pics <3)
Thank you! so muuuuch!!
Rants: Well, looks like the government wasn't joking about the blocking... now they have FREAKINGLY BLOCKED YOUTUBE!!!
Seriously, what are those idiots thinking?? D< I hope they will NOT block LJ as well >.<
For my fellow Indonesian folks, if you want them to unblock youtube please sign the petition
HERE if you have not. I dunno if it will work but signing it won't hurt anyway >_>
D'oh, do they seriously think people would stop watching porns by blocking youtube? idiots... what about those illegal porn DVDs that are very cheap and easy-to-get? Seriously...
Oh, I just foud out that they blocked youtube because of
FITNA a Movie from the Netherlands that caused a ruckuss here. but still... It's NOT a reason to BLOCK youtube and other video sites!!!
Oh, and here's the trick to UNBLOCK the BLOCKED sites (Indonesian only by the way)
CLICK HERE for info and
HERE tooI've tried.. IT WORKS!! I opened youtube, NYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Hackers sure are lots more smarter than the government >D
(I'm friend-locking this so the Government can't see this, LOL)
EDIT: They've unblocked youtube, so ah well... hahah XD;;