Some days you can go until nearly 10 am without having managed to go for a single coffee... and then others. you can be going for your third by 10 and ready for a repeat performance in the afternoon.. Now that may not sound like a lot of coffee, but we're talking freshly prepared (horribly expensive) latte's, and not just the sludge that comes out
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Comments 3
I may have had something more to say but all I can think of after seeing that picture is: BEAR!
How are things in the world of 160 ? any new mice capture tales? We caught a mouse at work last night, using only a ruler, a chocolate, a bin and £1.50..
Hahaha awesome. You've beautifully summed up live journal there.
Got up,
Had some toast,
Watched TV - "Kilroy re-run about exploding teenager make-over immigration abuse"
Wondered why I was single,
current mood: horny
current music: Don't You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds
cuurent bun: currenty
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