*continues grumbling about being tagged*
Day 2 (aka Tuesday):
- getting all of my cleaning and other chores done.
- seeing
phoenix888 and Baby Bunny, even if it did result in having to sweep up broken glass in the dark and wind and rain. No worries, girl.
- dropping off cookies and present to Adam and Greg, and watching Adam beat Mercenaries 2 as a female character. Subconsciously, he's admitting to something.
- being in such a good mood that the mail carrier's putting my mail under a downspout for about 5 minutes and then shoving it into my mailbox, thereby destroying all of the ads and possibly ruining a Netflix movie and some Christmas cards didn't bother me...too much.
- wrapping the final Christmas present.
- falling asleep and being warm throughout the night thanks to rising temperatures and my electric blanky.