(no subject)

Jan 28, 2007 17:50

Enzo slouches along Baudway, Level 1.


Life is so weird lately.

Enzo is getting used to all the changes, but when everyone you know is suddenly a bikilocycle older and there's all these new people including a duplicate of yourself but the other one is already 100 and he's the original and you're just a backup plus there's a war on... well, it takes a while. It's been about three minutes since it happened, and he's still kinda weirded out. Plus he's bored.

A war should be anything but boring, but everyone's so busy and no one has time to play with a little sprite, and there's not much he can do to help besides running errands. Well, no, let's be fair, Bob and Dot did take him jetballing, and that was alphanumeric, but that was two whole seconds ago! And Frisket's off hanging out with him, and Enzo doesn't have any other friends...



*SIIIIII - Hey, there's Bob!

Bob is heading into Dot's Diner. Must be taking a break. Maybe he'll have time to go circuit racing! Enzo runs after him, and lunges to catch the door before it closes completely, just to see if he can. Success! He pushes it back open...

...and enters a completely different diner.
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