"I need a hero I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light He's gotta be sure and it's gotta be soon and he's gotta be larger than life Larger than life Ladies and gentlemen!" A cheer rises before Value even begins her introduction this time. "Coming to you from right smack in the middle of the United States, the one-a, the only, Tyyyyler Marlocke!"
This is allllll going to be enough irony to flavor a few dozen pies in Milliways as Tyler waves at the crowd gathered in front of him and the vidwindow pops up behind...
Though a bit centered about his head and only capturing his hair.
"...dude, how much about myself should I tell?" Enzo knows about the bit regarding his parents.
"I come from User-space, I'm about ten years old, which'd translate to being close to 1-0 here. And I go to a school for superheroes." Tyler shrugs, a good feat in and of itself. "I like eating cheeseburgers, reading comics, and when I'm not studying for school, watching silly old movies."
"Sort of, i've been going to this school since I was 6 years old...I don't know how that translates in binary..." Tyler shrugs. "If you're asking if we've got normal classes like history, or science, or physical education yeah, we got those. I'm an un-powered superhero, so I gotta take different courses though."
"Like this one girl I know has to go to classes on how to handle her pyrokinesis, which is how she makes fire move about. I got to classes about how to build things, like this grappler gauntlet." He's holding up the item in question so it can be seen by the crowd.
It's not that such devices are terribly unusual for Guardians. Grapples are just cool.
The podlike flying contraption which has been providing the stage lights moves closer. "Latch on here!" hollers its operator, a young man the colour of bubblegum. The cadets cheer some more at this.
...Is he ever so glad that he removed the components for the electromagnet before coming here. After lining up the sights to focus on the pod there's a quick -pffthunt! as the grappler probe itself shoots out, unfolds and grabs onto the pod trailing line behind it.
Then Tyler is flying through the air and trying very hard to figure out where the heck-butt his center of gravity has gone. Then the claw actively releases from the pod and he's tumbling midair before...disappearing midair.
"Get him back on stage!" Someone else shouts as Tyler is passed not unlike a beachball overhead. Halfway towards the stage, he reappears laughing at the whole thing.
Look, you try not to laugh, crowdsurfing tickles darnit.
"Stun charges, sleeping capsules, smokebombs, and a bunch of other stuff. I'm not wearing the full kit today....But I take a lot of the same classes you guys do for combat!"
"All different kinds, some of them come from other worlds, some of them have superpowers, some of them don't but are really smart, and some of them aren't bad, just really cuckoo in the coconut....er.." There's a pause before he finds the words of digital equivilance. "Really crashing random in the processor."
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light
He's gotta be sure and it's gotta be soon and he's gotta be larger than life
Larger than life
Ladies and gentlemen!" A cheer rises before Value even begins her introduction this time. "Coming to you from right smack in the middle of the United States, the one-a, the only, Tyyyyler Marlocke!"
Though a bit centered about his head and only capturing his hair.
...Now it's lowering to center perfectly.
"Thanks and hello Guardians!"
...and a few giggles from the younger girls.
"Tyler," says Enzo, "tell them a little about yourself, please."
"I come from User-space, I'm about ten years old, which'd translate to being close to 1-0 here. And I go to a school for superheroes." Tyler shrugs, a good feat in and of itself. "I like eating cheeseburgers, reading comics, and when I'm not studying for school, watching silly old movies."
Now, that is of interest. "Is your school like ours?" is the first question.
"Like this one girl I know has to go to classes on how to handle her pyrokinesis, which is how she makes fire move about. I got to classes about how to build things, like this grappler gauntlet." He's holding up the item in question so it can be seen by the crowd.
The crowd makes suitably impressed noises. One kid shouts "Demo!" followed by a few more.
It's not that such devices are terribly unusual for Guardians. Grapples are just cool.
The podlike flying contraption which has been providing the stage lights moves closer. "Latch on here!" hollers its operator, a young man the colour of bubblegum. The cadets cheer some more at this.
Then Tyler is flying through the air and trying very hard to figure out where the heck-butt his center of gravity has gone. Then the claw actively releases from the pod and he's tumbling midair before...disappearing midair.
They don't have to wonder for long, though, since, hidden file command or no, his trajectory is still sending him right into the crowd.
There is a certain amount of exclamation, then laughter, and then a cry of "Invisible crowd-surf!" to general acclaim.
Look, you try not to laugh, crowdsurfing tickles darnit.
"What else have you got?" someone asks. Toys are neat!
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