The plane just hit some wake turbulence, we are a few minutes behind another plane and got knocked around by the sloshy air trailing from it. It felt exactly like hitting a speedbump a little too fast in your car. I jumped a little but didn't freak out. Several people on the plane screamed. One of my planes to England did this a long time ago too.
The best part of today's bump was the pilot coming on the pager to tell us it was all over and we are safe while some lady in the back of the plane was still crying.
I don't worry about dying on a plane any more than I worry about lightning strikes on sunny days - I fgure the odds are the same. Turn the iPod up to 11 and ride it out. Flying in a small 2 seat private plane helped get me over worrying about bumps.
If you're reading this I survived to Chicago.
We made it to Chicago but got our arses kicked a bunch of times. Two times we had zero gravity from rapid descent. Kinda wanted to barf.
Now boarded for Chicago to Indy and the pilot says no drink service because he expects the ascent to be "quite choppy".
I will post this if I make it to Indy.
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