Writer's Block: Unlikely Benefactor

Aug 09, 2009 19:19

I think 2/4's I'd give most of my money to my guru's temple, Amritapuri.
Amma uses the money to build hospitals, give kids a chance to educate themselves, and give free food to the people
who do not have any money. This money would deffinitly serve a good cause and selfless service.

1/4 I'd give to my parents and my brother.
So that I can pay back what I've borrowed over the years.

I think I'd give the rest to seashepherd.org. In order to save more whales.

Alright some of the money would stay in the family. Though I wouldn't want any of this money.
They should keep it and all.

I'm nice like that.
I'd like to think that I'd be so determined and seriously give it all away. Pretty hard with a million though. Especially since I'm rather broke right now.

heath, writer's block, seasheperd.org, amma, heath ledger

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