I'm pretty free today, so I'm just going to talk music videos on my current YouTube playlist to stave off boredom.
Now that I've put a lot of pop punk/rock videos into my playlist, Youtube has been somewhat consistently recommending good music to me.
LYRA's "Mugenbana" is a fairly generic rock song but I'm digging it. It's apparently in some sort of djent genre, which Wikipedia tells me is guitar played a certain way. I can only play three chords at a time, so I don't know how the guitar style in this song is any different than any other guitar style.
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I haven't actually paid any attention to the video, so no idea what its about. It seems the very standard breakup/makeup story.
董事長樂團's (The Chairman) "Lethal Lover" is a fairly slow and older song. But I like it.
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I don't normally like rap, but I'm digging Miss Ko's "Queen of Queens".
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It's the standard song dissing people who had dissed her for her bad Mandarin. And since Miss Ko went on to write songs for very famous people, she can now rap about how she's "not your idol but your idol's idol."
I don't really like 那我懂你意思了 since they seem like a very hipster band. But I love their video for "所以我停下來" with Vivian Sung kicking ass from childhood to adulthood.
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The music itself isn't bad either.
Speaking of hipsters, there's also Hello Nico's "接下來如何" that I like a good amount. I prefer this song over their more famous "Flower". It's a very mellow song probably about breaking up. The video is also pretty stylish without being flashy in any way.
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Going back to rock, there's Fire Ex. with Ellegarden's Takeshi Hosomi doing "Don't You Fight". I like Fire Ex. I like Ellegarden. So this should naturally be included.
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I'm also a big fan of 911's "英雄就在你左邊" (Hero on Your Left). The song is a tie-in for some sort of Legend of the Condor Heroes mobile game but I like it anyways because I'm a corporate shill.
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Evangeline's "WHO" is also one of those songs that I normally don't listen to. Without even paying attention to the words, I like the music and its arrangement/beat a lot.
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I also haven't had time to sit around and watch the MV all the way through. But I like the style.
And finally, today's list wouldn't be complete without 怕胖團's (Papun) "我想要MacBook Pro!" (I want a MacBook Pro!) song.
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The song is about the plight of a wannabe hipster who took his PC to Starbucks only to have to hide it because everyone else had MacBook Pros. He wants a MacBook Pro but it costs $70,000 TWD and he doesn't have a boyfriend that works at Apple. Awww...First World Problems!