[b]Name:[/b] Noelle
[b]Nickname:[/b] Raven, Noellie, No-chan, Ellie-No.
[b]Age:[/b] 14
[b]Birthdate:[/b] February 10th, 1991
[b]Height:[/b] 5'4"
[b]Likes:[/b] Roleplaying, MUDs, writing, reading, interesting characters, ancient history. Basically, anything that makes me think.
[b]Dislikes:[/b] Being short. It irks me a lot. I also don't like being considered a child because of age, and I hate being called weak.
[b]Strong Points:[/b] I believe my intellect is a strong point. I tend to retain information (though, only if I like and find the information interesting), and I classify myself as an individual. Just because someone else likes it, just because my group of friends like it, doesn't mean I have to. I am a protector, and if you are a friend, you can guaranteed you will be protected.
[b]Weak Points:[/b] I'm quite prideful, and I've got a horrible temper, though it doesn't flame up often. I'm not the easiest person to get along with, as I've built up walls around my heart, due to... relationship problems. As such, I do not believe in romantic love. I also tend to like being alone, and though some see this as bad, I just can't seem to concentrate on reading when surrounded by people or noise.
[b]Pet Peeves:[/b] Weakness really gets to me - I like people who can stand up for themselves, though I do enjoy protecting people. Immature people also really grate on my nerves. A strange pet peeve, but a pet peeve none the less, is, in roleplaying and reading books, I detest elves. (Middle Earth elves do not count.) I have never found an elf "hot" or "beautiful". I find elves to be quite weak and unpleasant.
[b]Any Goals?:[/b] I'd like to prove that just because I think differently than a lot of different people, I'm not less of a person because of it.
[b]Hobbies:[/b] Reading and writing, mostly. I do a little singing here and there.
[b]Talents:[/b] Writing and singing, I suppose.
[b]Favorite Color:[/b] Red. Red promotes a cool anger, and a fiery wrath. These are not always bad things.
[b]Mature or Immature?:[/b] Mature. Some people can't seem to see that. I don't waste my time with them.
[b]Leader or Follower?:[/b] Follower. I wouldn't want to make mistakes as a leader. As my favorite fanfic, Sundial, once said (copyright Angrybee): "You've confused self-sacrifice with leadership. You can suffer all you want, but until you organize, until you take control of these people and actually -lead- them, you can not expect to do more than merely exist.
"I would not follow a man who can promise no more than the most meager of existence. Nor would I follow a man who will sacrifice himself at any moment. Because, one day, such a man would be gone, killed for the little he promised me. Then I would be left with even less, and forced to continue without even the memory of a great leader's lofty goals to keep me going."
Perhaps I would be able to make those lofty goals that followers would remember me by.
[b]Favorite OoT Character?[/b] Ganondorf. Yes, yes, I know. I'm sure lots of people choose him. But no one seems to understand why he wanted the rule Hyrule.
Perhaps, all he wanted, was to make it a better place.
[b]Favorite Enemy?:[/b] Navi. What? She's NOT an enemy? Alright then. Twinrova. I also like Poes.
[b]Favorite Ocarina Melody?:[/b] I actually like the Windmill Theme the best, but if I have to pick a melody... Saria's Song.
[b]Favorite Item?:[/b] The hookshot. So useful. So sharp. So... BOING!
[b]Please Post At Least 2 Clear Pictures of Yourself Under an LJ-Cut:[/b] I don't do cameras. Cameras steal your souls. But if I must, I will get two. Sometime.