Becky walked through the alley way, kicking an old empty can of peaches. "This blows." She thought to herself. Becky was one of the youngest Zappers, taken in by the group not only for her spunk, but her ability to fight. She leaned against the wall. What had happened to half of her tribe? Macon had been so preocupied trying to take down the
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"NO! I won't go into that stinkin Mall, I heard they're holding us prisoner when we go in for help, I ain't gonna be locked up!" Perry cried through the pain, shaking his head vigerously.
"Dood they locked up that Zapper that killed Mike, they don't just lock us up, come on, this is bad, you have to get it looked at!" Byron spat back, but Perry just shook his head, "Get her!" he yelled, pointing at the little biter.
Herman and Joel jumped out of the way when the girl came at them, what if she was rabid? "FOOLS!" Meagan cried, chasing after her, turning her TGun to 5 and trying to aim as she ran after the little girl, "Get back here Zapper dog!"
Meagan, however, ran, trying to aim, ignoring the fact that she was in Mozzie territory, uncaring, all she had was the Zapper dog in her sights and she was going to take her out. Powering up to 5, a nice mid ground that would stun her senseless, Meagan stopped and shot, missing her and shooting the building near her instead. "COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT LIKE A-" she paused, "FIGHT!" She ran quickly after her, firing a few more shots and missing, and she knew she was low on juice too. Holding back until she could get a good lineup, Meagan took her final shot and hit her square in the back, watching as she fell to the ground. Running up to her, she gave her a swift kick in her hip, "DOGS! ALL OF YOU! THAT'S FOR MIKE!" she kicked her again, "AND THAT'S FOR PERRY!!"
Byron kept up with Meagan, getting to her just in time to pull her off of the girl again, "Come on, she's out, stop kicking her, let's get out of here, we're in Mozzie turf and they're locking us up for murder now Meagan!"
Meagan struggled with Byron but let him pull her away, it was true, and the last thing she wanted was to be caught by some goody two shoes or a Mall Rat and be held prisoner. She took Byron's hand and ran, back to where they'd left Perry.
But first he had to get through Mozzie territory. Stingrays on one side, Mozzies surrounding him, and safety on the other side. He continued to walk, but quickened his casual pace.
Then something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. Becky... He ran towards her, kneeling beside her. "Becky? Becky?!" He shook her, praying for a response. Then he saw that she was breathing and smiled slightly because she was not dead. He'd kill some stingrays for this! First he had to help Becky, before it was too late.
Jordan took his blue bandanna off and got to his feet before leaning to gently pick Becky up. He moved in the direction he had just come from, knowing this could be the death of him.
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