Feb 28, 2005 22:42
for about three weeks now i have been forced to go home during the weekends because my roommate has her sister living here with us... in the dorm room. this room is only meant for 1.5 people yet they fit two people in here to be cruel. now, three people live in this room. so i return this morning from a weekend at home to find my shit messed with. there is garbage on my desk, a foreign cd in my computer, and my bed not as i left it.
{backstory: {{i have put up with alot since moving here. i by the cleaning supplies to kept our room from growing mold. i bought the microwave which she refuses to clean after she spills her food in it. i also brought my television from home and the DVD/VCR player i got for christmas (which she uses to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the X-Files). i recieve no thank you; however, i didn't ask for one. }}}
i ask my infintely stupid roommate, "has someone slept in my bed" half expecting her to lie and say, "no." Nope, she doesn't lie but says, "yea, my sister slept in your bed." half crazed from hearing this new and being late for class, i storm out of the room and slam the door. pissed does not begin to explain how i feel.
later today, i talk to shannon and she apologizes. yet apologies doesn't seem good enough to me. i am still angry. yea, she is having problems with her family, but does that mean i am not worthy of having a normal college experience? i know i should be more understanding, and i was for three weeks. i think the worst part of my story is that shannon, my roommate, fails to realize her mistakes. anayway, i think she is moving out. she i getting an apartment with her sister, and there i hope they will live happily ever after. as for me, i will live happily ever after alone in my dorm room.
the end