DESPERATE FANS: One public message, a few private, and a log

Apr 26, 2005 21:16

I could not be happier. Even with... everything... I'm still so happy...

Private to Mark
Mark? I need to tell you about something. Not here, though. I need to tell you face-to-face, so... can we talk some time?

Private to Maureen
I love you, babe. Always.

And the log of so much squeeness...
Typist: Also... beforehand, I would like to state that "the note" mentioned in this log is the one I scanned and put on the journal post previous to this. Yes. Now...

Maureen: *walks in, head ducked, and heads straight for a quiet, empty corner*
Benny: *Spots Maureen and follows her somewhat hesitantly, trying not too look too anxious*
Maureen: *slumps back against the wall and doesn't seem to notice Benny*
Benny: *Hesitates a moment longer, then shakes his head and moves closer to her* *Softly* Maur?
Maureen: *jumps, and doesn't bother to hide it as she normally would* Hi.
Benny: *Smiles at her cautiously* Hi... *Glances over her worriedly, but doesn't ask what's wrong*
Maureen: *looks down against and hugs herself tighter*
Benny: Are you... *Pauses, frowning at her* Did something happen, babe? You look... I don't know. Like something's bothering you.
Maureen: *mumbles, head still down* It's nothing.
Benny: *Eyes her suspiciously* Really? You promise you'd tell me if there were something wrong?
Maureen: *shrugs and nods slightly*
Benny: ...Maur? Please. If there were nothing wrong, you'd be talking to me. You've said literally one word since I got here.
Maureen: *shrugs* Not talkative today, I guess.
Benny: *Sighs, somewhat frustrated, seeing he's not likely to get much out of her* Alright... if you say so... *Stands near her awkwardly, putting his hands in his coat pockets - and then pulls them out like he's been burned when his right hand touches the crumpled note inside*
Maureen: *notices and looks up at him, glad to be distracted* What've you got in there?
Benny: *Way too quickly* Nothing. I mean... nothing important.
Maureen: *lifts eyebrows* Really?
Benny: *Shifts awkwardly* Yes. Really. Just... a few papers I forgot were there...
Maureen: Oh? *smiles, slightly less bright than her usual one, but fairly the same... then darts her hand in his pocket, grabs the paper, and dashes up the stairs before he can stop her*
Benny: *Stares after her for a second, completely startled, and then races after her* Maureen... don't! Give it back!
Maureen: *is halfway upstairs by the time he follows, and safely in one of the private rooms, leaning on the door, when he's up the stairs*
Benny: *Groans as he gets to the top of the stairs and tries to open the door to the room she's in, but can't quite manage it with Maureen leaning against it, and doesn't want to hurt her by forcing it open* Maureen... *Pleading tone* Give me the paper. Please.
Maureen: *as she unfolds the paper, through the door* I will. After I read it.
Benny: *Under his breath* Oh God... *Louder, so she can hear him through the door* Maureen, you... You don't want to read that. Really. Just... *Trails off, getting frustrated*
Maureen: *in a no-arguments tone* I'm going to read it now, and I'm not letting you in until I'm done. *starts to read*
Benny: *Groans again and leans back against the door, closing his eyes and rather wishing he could just die now and get it over with*
Maureen: *about 1/4th of the way through the note, after the first paragraph, tries to step backwards and bangs into the door- rather loudly- in shock*
Benny: *Opens his eyes and freezes* *Calls through the door hesitantly* ...Babe? You okay?
Maureen: *semi-strangled noise as she attempts to respond, but fails, so forces herself to continue reading despite the fact her brain is... pretty much numb*
Benny: *Closes his eyes again and slides down into a sitting position on the floor, still leaning against the door, and quite convinced that he is pretty much screwed*
Maureen: *silently finishes the note, leans back against the door, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath* *whispers to herself* Oh... *slowly steps away from the door, turns around, and opens it*
Benny: *Falls back onto the floor as the door is opened, having been putting most of his weight against it. Quickly gets to his feet, looking at Maureen nervously, and holds out his hand after a moment* Can I have it back now?
Maureen: *shakes her head* No.
Benny: *Hand drops to his side* Why not now? You said you'd give it back after you read it.
Maureen: That was before I read it. It changed. *smiles* Besides, it's my letter. I want to keep it.
Benny: *Winces and rubs at his forehead* Maureen... I didn't mean for you to... *Stops when he realizes she KNOWS he didn't mean for her to see it, and sighs* You want to... keep it?
Maureen: Why wouldn't I? I mean, I'd prefer it if you meant to give it to me, but as far as letters go, it's still one of the best I've ever gotten.
Benny: *Frowns at her, still obviously worried* You mean you don't... mind... what I wrote?
Maureen: *smiles bigger* Not at all. *leans forward slightly, wraps her arms around his waist, pulls him closer and nudges the door closed behind him with her foot*
Benny: *Looks down at her, somewhat startled* You... *Swallows hard, trying to keep calm, though he seems to be having problems with that at the moment* I don't know what to... *Frustrated tone* Do you know how much you're CONFUSING me right about now?
Maureen: *kisses him, gently but long, and rests her forehead against his when she pulls away* I love you.
Benny: *Draws a slow, shaky breath* You... you do? *Has suddenly (at least temporarily) forgotten any reasons he has for mistrusting her*
Maureen: I do. *wraps her arms tighter around him* I figured it out... I guess when A- a couple of days ago, I mean. I just... didn't think you'd feel the same.
Benny: *Smiles at her a bit tentatively* Of course I feel the same. I... *Whispers softly* I love you, Maureen Johnson.
Maureen: *smiles back at him, much easier than earlier* I love you too, Benjamin Coffin.
Benny: *Wraps his arms around her and kisses her slowly* Now if you'd told me that earlier, you would have saved me a lot of worrying.
Maureen: Well, I guess we'll just have to learn from our mistakes as we go. *relaxes against him*
Benny: Sounds good to me. *Is silent for a moment or two, holding her, and then asks softly* But... Maur... *Hesitant pause as he closes his eyes, wincing slightly, then forces himself to go on* You're not... I mean... *Takes a deep breath to try to stop stumbling over his own words*
Maureen: *softly, somewhat encouragingly* Not what?
Benny: *Sighs* Not to sound accusing or... *Winces* hypocritical... but I know what you're like, babe. You loved Mark and Joanne, didn't you? What makes this any different?
Maureen: *pauses thoughtfully, and speaks very slowly and carefully* I've been thinking about that myself... and... well, this is how I see it... I thought I loved Joanne, but... I'm starting to think maybe I didn't. I mean... *deepbreath*I told myself I did, because she was the first woman I dated, and I wanted to seem like it was right. But... we fought so much, over such little things... and then, once the fights started to die down, it felt... different. I had to keep fighting, because otherwise there was just... a somewhat comfortable, but smothering relationship-feeling. I don't know if it was... love. Comfort, maybe; lust, at least at first, definitly. But... not real love.
Benny: *Watches her silently, looking somewhat thoughtful* What about Mark? And... now? This? How do you know that this is?
Maureen: *slows down more* My relationship with Mark was my first real relationship. The first one that wasn't a fling, or didn't hurt, at least. I... *hesitates* I'm not going to lie to you. I did love Mark. *pauses* I do love Mark, even if it's only as a friend. You know what they say about first love and all that crap. But it was... Geez. I don't know. I always felt like I had to be... less me, like I had to hold back, with him. It wasn't because of him, or anything he did. Just... it was me. I felt restrained. I felt like I was always pushing him into things, always trying to speed him up when he was happy to go through life slow. *stops for a moment* It was good while it lasted, but it wouldn't have lasted, no matter what. This... *smiles slightly and looks up at him* I don't know. But this is different than anything I've ever felt before. This... I just know... I know here... *taps herself where her heart is, gently* ...that this is the real thing. No more imitation. What more could I say?
Benny: *Hesitates and averts his eyes, thinking that over for several long moments, before looking back at her seriously* You really... feel that way? *Realizes that's a stupid question and shakes his head slightly* I don't know what to say. I don't know what I can say to that. I just... *Deep breath* Thank you, Maur. That... that makes me feel... much better. *Kisses her forehead*
Maureen: *closes her eyes contentedly* Good. I love you.
Benny: *Closes his eyes as well, pulling her closer to him* Have I mentioned that you're the best thing that's happened to me in a long, long time?
Maureen: *rests her head on his shoulder* A lot. Have I told you you're absoutely amazing?
Benny: *Smiles slightly* Maybe once or twice... I don't mind hearing it again, though...
Maureen: Well, you are. Amazing... *kisses him on the neck, near where it meets his shoulder* And wonderful... *kisses again, near his jaw* And one of the greatest things to ever happen to me. *kisses him on the lips*
Benny: *Grins, almost cocky, and kisses her back, closing his eyes and sliding his hands up to cup her face, holding her close to him before pulling away slightly, still grinning slightly* Thank you babe. I could say the same things about you... *Kisses collarbone lightly*
Maureen: *slips hands tighter around his waist, looking very happy/pleased with this whole situation, and kisses his neck again, lightly*
Benny: *Draws a breath, half-closing his eyes for a second, and then moves to lightly nip at her neck, tracing a line down her collarbone with his fingers*
Maureen: *groans softly, kisses his earlobe and then bites it gently* which point both typists decided it would be safest to fade to black.
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