Apr 24, 2005 03:11

Typist: Here is the log of what Benny and Maureen have been doing all night (and into the morning...), because... it's just so adorable I had to share. This is so mun-only knowledge, because... Benny would kill me if it got out to the characters. ^-^

Benny: *Stalks in, muttering irritably under his breath, and then forces a smile when he sees Maureen* Hey, babe.
Maureen: *smiles slightly and rubs at legs self-conciously* Hey. How'd it go?
Benny: *Sighs* The same as usual. Alison... never mind. *Blinks at her* Are you sure you're alright? You look like... *Smiles slightly at her* Well, to be perfectly honest, you look like shit.
Maureen: *looks at him for a moment, then laughs* I'm okay, Benny. Just... ugh. Happy? Restless? Something like that, anyhow. *shrugs*
Benny: *Walks over to her and leans against the counter next to her* Alright. You've been here since I left?
Maureen: Yep. It's comfortable. A nice lookout post, too.
Benny: You would think it's comfortable... *Grins* You can't ever do anything like normal people... like sitting in a chair, for instance. *Raises eyebrow* A lookout post? Why would you need a lookout post?
Maureen: Because it gets very, very wild in here. *pauses and grins* And not the good kind of wild, either. Usually. As for chairs... bah! Who needs 'em?
Benny: *Chuckles* Like I said... normal people. Not that there are many of them around here. And that is exactly why I try not to come around here unless I have a reason to.
Maureen: Aww, but it can be fun. Especially when they play games!
Benny: Your kind of fun, Maureen. I only do that sort of thing when you drag me into it.
Maureen: Oh, you'll learn to love it. A lot of people get dragged into it. And then they loosen up. Why else would everyone keep playing?
Benny: If you say so. *Smirks* And I thought you were the craziest person in the world, before I came here...
Maureen: See? You learn something new every day! *giggles*
Benny: *Teasingly* Whether I want to know it or not is another matter altogether.
Maureen: *teasing right back* Well, I thought you were the most awkward person in the world until I came here, but they proved me wrong.
Benny: *Pretends to be offended* ME? The most awkward person in the world? You mean that wasn't Mark? At least I don't stutter.
Maureen: Mark's a COMPLETELY different matter. What he does is be adorable. *totally ignores the rules of grammar* What you do is plain awkwardness. *faux-solemn nod*
Benny: *Folds arms over chest and acts hurt* You mean I'm not adorable?
Maureen: *pretends to think* Not adorable. Definitly sexy, though. *winks*
Benny: *Pauses, and then smirks almost smugly* Well, that's even better. *Grins*
Maureen: So they say. *grins back and stretches out legs in the air*
Benny: *Laughs, hesitates for a moment as if considering something, and then gets up to sit on the counter beside her* And what have you been up to in the past... however long? Surely getting up to all kinds of trouble, given the kind of company you've apparently been keeping?
Maureen: Oh, definitly. Nearly got arrested a couple of months ago. Don't remember why. It wouldn't be a new thing, exactly, but it was still exciting. *smirks* Corrupting the young and not-so-innocent, and getting extremely drunk every other night, for the past couple of weeks.
Benny: You are the most impossible woman in the world. No, the most impossible PERSON in the world. Am I going to have to supervise you?
Maureen: Perhaps. I'd probably put a lot of excitement in your life, though, instead of you taking it out of mine.
Benny: *Rolls eyes* Most likely... but you always do. You're a bad influence on anyone.
Maureen: Thanks for the compliment.
Benny: *Blinks* Well, it wasn't exactly... Never mind. You're welcome, I guess...
Maureen: *smiles at him*
Benny: *Just looks at her for a moment, trying not to smile, but after a moment starts laughing* You never change, do you?
Maureen: *shakes head* Never. It's how I shock people.
Benny: And it never fails... You'd think we'd get used to you after a while, but somehow... *Shrugs*
Maureen: Well, it's part of my charm, you know. *smiles mysteriously*
Benny: *Smiles at her* Of course it is. If we could ever figure you out you wouldn't be half as much fun to be around.
Maureen: *looks down, smiling still* Well, at least you like it.
Benny: *Tilts his head to one side to look at her* And who wouldn't? Well, except for maybe Roger... but you know he doesn't count.
Maureen: *blushes, slightly, and stays silent, not sure what to say*
Benny: *Mock astonishment* Are you actually blushing? Maureen Johnson, blushing? This has to be a first. I deserve some sort of award for this.
Maureen: *blushes deeper and looks up at him without moving her head* Oh, shush. *pokes him in the leg*
Benny: Alright, alright... *Shuts up, but can't seem to stop smiling* Honestly, though... since when does a little compliment like that make you blush?
Maureen: *tucks chin into chest in an attempt to hide her face* I'm not sure. Since tonight?
Benny: *Is silent for a beat, unsure what to say* ...Oh? And what's different about tonight?
Maureen: I... I don't know. *mutters very softly something that sounds like 'baby zita company'*
Benny: *Watches her quietly for a moment or two, glances to the floor awkwardly, then back up at her*
Maureen: *pulls one leg up against her chest, rests her chin on her knee, and cautiously looks at him sideways*
Benny: *Clears throat uncertainly, avoiding meeting her eyes* ...You know, you're... really pretty when you blush.
Maureen: *stops breathing for a few seconds, then looks down in suprise, blush getting deeper, and voice squeaking* Really?
Benny: *Glances at her out of the corner of his eye and smiles slightly* Yes. I wouldn't lie to you.
Maureen: *hesitantly looks up at him and smiles foolishly* Thank you.
Benny: *Bites his lip, holding back a broad smile* Any time, babe.
Maureen: *looks at him for another moment, slowly putting her leg down off the countertop and putting her hands on either side of her body. Looks down, still smiling*
Benny: *Hesitates, and then slowly slides his hand across the counter to rest on hers, avoiding looking at her the whole time*
Maureen: *tenses for a moment, then very slowly turns her hand over so their hands are palm-to-palm*
Benny: *Stops breathing for a moment, then remembers that yes, that is slightly necessary. Glances up at her again cautiously* Maureen, I... *Trails off nervously*
Maureen: *looks up at him, catching his eyes, but seems to have forgotten how language works*
Benny: *Chews on bottom lip for a moment* Thank you for forgiving me. You have no idea how much it means to me. *Silently curses self for not being able to say what he MEANT to*
Maureen: *trying to hide severe dissapointment* Oh. ...No problem. I... *whispers* I really missed you.
Benny: *Doesn't seem to notice her disappointment, probably because his gaze is fixed squarely on the floor now* I missed you too... more than any of the others. I didn't think... when I left...
Maureen: It's all in the past now. *tightens her grip on his hand, slightly, without realizing it* At least things are... back to normal... Right?
Benny: *Squeezes her hand slightly and looks up at her* Right. Normal.
Maureen: *looks away, still slightly dissapointed* Yeah.
Benny: Maureen... *Takes a deep breath* I... I don't want to risk losing this again. Losing you as my friend. Promise me if I ever do something as stupid as I did before... you'll hit me and tell me I'm being an ass? *Tries to smile, somewhat weakly, and attempts to pretend that he's not driving himself absolutely crazy*
Maureen: *looks up and attempts a smile, which comes out funny* Of course, Benny. What are fr... *clears throat* What are friends for?
Benny: Thank you, babe. *Hesitates a moment, and then tentatively slides closer to her on the counter and hugs her. Whispers* I don't know what I'd do without you...
Maureen: *nearly chokes, out of suprise or annoyance, neither of us are quite sure. Hesitantly hugs him back and whispers* You don't have to think about that anymore.
Benny: *Tightens his arms around her for a second, then lets her go* No... I guess I don't, do I?
Maureen: *feels and sort of looks like she's about to cry* Never again. *bites tongue, very hard*
Benny: *Swallows hard, looking at her, and uncertainly lifts one hand to brush her cheek before he slowly leans into kiss her*
Maureen: *doesn't move for a moment, suprised, then closes eyes, curls her hand around the back of his neck and returns the kiss*
Benny: *Closes his eyes and pulls her closer to him... then comes back to his senses and pulls back suddenly, watching her wide-eyed, almost surprised with himself* Maureen... I... Umm... *Realizes he's not going to manage anything intelligent, and shuts up*
Maureen: *shaking, slightly, wraps her arms around herself* N-no, i-it's okay... I mean... it... *closes eyes again and tries to gather her thoughts*
Benny: *Winces and looks away, cursing softly under his breath, before looking back up at her* I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean... I don't know what I was thinking, I just...
Maureen: It's okay. I-it doesn't have to... to be... anything. *struggles to keep her voice steady* I mean... it's just... a kiss, right? It doesn't have to be... a-anythi... I mean, a... a problem.
Benny: *Draws in a breath slowly and closes his eyes, trying to keep calm* Right. We don't have to... to... I mean... It didn't have to mean anything. *Is obviously having problems keeping his composure, but is still trying though he knows he's obviously failing*
Maureen: *softly* Yeah. *looking like she's going to cry, or something*
Benny: Maureen, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry. Please... *Trails off, because he's not sure exactly what he wants to say to her*
Maureen: *shakes her head* Don't worry. It's fine. *jumps down* I... I gotta go. I'll see you l-later. *hurries outside, not really having to go but just feeling too awkward to stay with him there*
Benny: *Stares after her for a moment, then growls and drops his face into his hands. Speaks into his hands* Fuck. *After a second, slowly gets off the counter and follows her, pausing in the doorway. Seeing her, he falters, not sure whether to go to her or stay put or go back inside*
Maureen: *walks out into the yard a few yards, then somewhat suddenly sinks onto her knees in the grass, covers her face with her hands, and starts to cry silently and shake*
Benny: *Slowly steps out of the doorway and walks towards her, kneeling beside her and touching her shoulder when he finally reaches her* Maur? Babe? What-- *Clears throat* What's wrong?
Maureen: *jumps and turns slightly away from him, embarrassed at having been caught* N-nothing's wrong. You know me. O-over-emotional... *tries to smile and fails*
Benny: *Keeps his hand on her shoulder and pulls her around to face him again, looking at her seriously and trying not to look too emotional himself* Over-emotional, maybe, but not like this. Please, tell me. If I upset you... I didn't mean to. I am... I'm so sorry.
Maureen: No... It's not your fault. I'm just... being silly, that's all. *shakes head slightly and mutters to self* Being an idiot.
Benny: *Murmurs under breath* No sillier than I am...
Maureen: *sniffs and bites down on her tongue again to keep from saying anything*
Benny: *Lets go of her and looks away, shaking his head and smiling wryly* I just can't seem to stop myself from screwing things up, can I? Couldn't even go a day without doing something wrong...
Maureen: Oh, Benny. Don't... don't beat yourself up. Like I said. It's all me. Don't worry. *very hesitantly and cautiously touches his shoulder* It's okay.
Benny: *Glances at her* But it's not all you. I... I missed you like hell, Maureen. And now I get to be friends with you again... and I do something like that so we can barely look at each other, and... *Growls, frustrated with himself, and flops back onto his back on the grass*
Maureen: It's okay. Nothing's going to change that much. We'll... we'll get past this. *whispers very softly to herself* I'll get over this.
Benny: *Closes his eyes, having missed the last part of what she said* I know... I'm sure we will. *Sounds like he isn't quite sure he wants to "get past it", but...*
Maureen: *forcers herself not to feel hopeful at the tone of his voice and offers him a shaky smile*
Benny: *Opens his eyes and smiles up at her somewhat sadly* You're really going to be okay? We're okay?
Maureen: Yeah. I'm okay, we're okay, everything's okay. Trust me. *pauses, but holds out a hand to him*
Benny: *Sits up and takes her hand, eyeing her quietly and rather unsure what to say*
Maureen: *holds his hand for a few moments longer than neccisary and reluctantly lets go, staring at the grass and self-conciously tucking stray hair behind her ear*
Benny: *Sighs softly as she lets go of his hand and keeps watching her before shaking his head and looking away, muttering under his breath to himself* God, you are the biggest idiot in the world...
Maureen: *hearing him, looks up sharply* Don't say that. You're not an idiot. You're wonderful.
Benny: *Jumps, not having realized she could hear him, and looks at her, looking somewhat embarrassed at her comment* You have no idea, Maureen. You don't know what I - well. Never mind.
Maureen: I don't care. I don't like hearing you put yourself down like that. You're an amazing guy, really, as much as I might say other stuff when I'm upset, but I don't mean it, and... *trails off and blushes when she realizes she's been rambling*
Benny: *Smiles somewhat sadly* Well, I'm glad you think that, but... *Rubs at his temples with one hand* I just... I should know better than this. Wanting someo- something I can't possibly have...
Maureen: O-oh. I... I understand. *smiles ironically* Believe me, I understand. *hesitates* Wh... what is it that you want?
Benny: *Holds his breath for a second, looks down at his hands, and at last whispers just loud enough to be heard* You.
Maureen: *suddenly finds it very hard to breath or think coherently, and is completely sure she misheard, and furthermore, her voice squeaks* M-me?
Benny: *Sighs* I told you I'm an idiot...
Maureen: *looks at him, then smiles and, very slowly, lays out next to him on the grass and kisses him, very gently and quickly*
Benny: *Widens eyes and just blinks at her for a moment, hesitantly kissing her back* ...Maureen... do you... I mean... well... was that... *Can't seem to remember how to construct a complete sentence*
Maureen: *laughs and kisses him on the nose* You know, maybe I was wrong. You're very adorable when you're confused.
Benny: *Smiles slightly at her, almost unable to believe any of this, but manages to gather his thoughts a bit* Am I really? Still sexy too, I hope.
Maureen: *grins down at him* Without a doubt.
Benny: *Chuckles* That's always good to know. And you... are absolutely gorgeous. You always are. *Wraps an arm around her, pulling her to him to kiss her again*
Maureen: *slips her hands onto his shoulders and kisses him back, closing her eyes happily*
Benny: *Doesn't let go of her even after he has to pull away to take a breath, looking up to meet her eyes and grinning at her* Maybe I'm not such an idiot after all, then...
Maureen: I guess not. *wraps her ankle around his and rests her head against his chest* And maybe my case isn't as hopeless as I thought.
Benny: *Reaches up to gently tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear* Not at all hopeless... *Lightly kisses her forehead and then rests his cheek against the top of her head, closing his eyes*
Maureen: *smiles and absentmindedly traces a circle on his shoulder with one finger*
Benny: *Shivers slightly, and then opens his eyes as he realizes something* Maureen?
Maureen: *lifts her head to look at him* Mmmhm?
Benny: *Bites lip and smiles a bit sheepishly* Can we... not tell anyone about... this? At least... for now?
Maureen: *almost instantly* If you want. *hesitates* Benny... I... are you sure about this? I mean... you're married and...
Benny: *Winces as if he'd somehow just realized that* I... Yes, I'm sure. I mean... well... God, there's no way to say this so it sounds good, but... Oh, fuck it. I'll figure it out, Maureen. Really.
Maureen: All right. I just... don't want to screw everything up for you. I'm not worth messing up the life you've got.
Benny: *Grimaces* It's already plenty screwed up, Maureen. You can't make it any worse. In fact... the only thing you could do is make it better. *Smiles a bit at her* Bring a little exitement into my life, at least...
Maureen: *smiles, not entirely reassured, at him* Okay then. *curls her arm over his chest and rests her chin on her wrist, looking at him*
Benny: *Attempts to be reassuring* Don't worry about it. I can take care of whatever problems there are. *Voice drops slightly* Frankly, I doubt Alison even cares anyway...
Maureen: *puts her hand on his cheek and speaks very softly* I care.
Benny: ...You do? I mean... *Reaches up to take her hand and squeezes it slightly* This is something I can handle, I swear.
Maureen: Okay. *smiles slightly and leans over to kiss him, gently, once more*
Benny: *Kisses her back tenderly and raises an eyebrow once she pulls away* If nothing else, I'm touched that you would worry about me, at least.
Maureen: Of course I would. I don't want to see you get hurt. *squeezes his hand*
Benny: *Somewhat teasingly* So nice to know you care, miss drama queen.
Maureen: *jokingly* Yeah, well, don't spread it around.
Benny: *Nods mock-solemnly* I'll be sure I keep it a secret. My lips are sealed.
Maureen: *raises eyebrows* Hopefully that's the only way they are.
Benny: *Pauses a moment, trying to keep up the serious act, and then gives in and laughs* ...Sometimes I don't know what to do with you, babe. You never cease to surprise me... but you knew that already.
Maureen: Well, at least things won't get boring. *smiles*
Benny: With you around? Never.
Maureen: *shifts slightly so that she's basically lying on top of him* I do aim to please.
Benny: *Grins up at her and raises an eyebrow at her* Well, after tonight, I doubt I could be any more pleased...
Maureen: Maybe, maybe not. *giggles*
Benny: *Laughs softly* You have to be cryptic about it, don't you?
Maureen: Does it bother you?
Benny: *Pauses momentarily* Not really. I find it fascinating.
Maureen: I'm fascinating? You flatter me. *tilts her head slightly*
Benny: It's not flattery if it's true, is it?
Maureen: I guess not.
Benny: Besides, you have to be used to getting compliments, right? I mean... you're... you.
Maureen: It's... *pauses, looking for the right words* It's different when it come from y... from certain people.
Benny: Oh? The kind of people whose compliments can make you blush? Am I in a special category, then?
Maureen: *silly grin* Yes, you are.
Benny: *Grins back at her, just about as silly* That is one of the best things I've heard all day. Or... *Realizes what time it is, and that it's actually... really early in the morning* Well... not all day, exactly... You know what I mean.
Maureen: *laughs* I do. *sighs contentedly*
Benny: *Reaches up to play with her hair absently, twining a few strands of it around his finger* ...Are you sure this is for real? *Smiles slightly* I'm not going to wake up some time soon and realize I was dreaming?
Maureen: If it's a dream, I don't want to wake up. It feels so... unreal. But...
Benny: *Tilts his head to one side, frowning at her* But what?
Maureen: I just... never expected this. But at the same time, I don't want it to stop.
Benny: Believe me, I feel the same way. Yesterday I was convinced you hated me, and now...
Maureen: Never hate. I couldn't hate you. Even when I tried. *rubs her thumb over his, gently*
Benny: Never? Even when I was being an ass? You're far more tolerant than I thought...
Maureen: Like I said, I tried. It just didn't work out. Right now, I'm glad it didn't.
Benny: You couldn't possibly be more happy about that than I am.
Maureen: I don't know about that. I say we just call it even.
Benny: *Smiles* It's even, then. *Half-closes his eyes, though still watching her*
Maureen: *tilts her head slightly and smiles* Tired?
Benny: Maybe a little tired... but it's worth it. I don't really want to leave now...
Maureen: I know what you mean. *muses absently* Maybe we should just fall asleep here.
Benny: Hmm... that sounds like a good idea... *Grins slightly* Could get a little cold, though, sleeping outside and all.
Maureen: Well, body heat is supposed to be very good for that sort of thing. *grins back*
Benny: I'm sure it is... worth a try, hmm? Being a little cold seems a fair trade for getting to stay with you.
Maureen: *snuggles against him and smiles, pleased*
Benny: *Wraps his arms around her and holds her close to him, resting his chin against her shoulder*
Maureen: *tightens her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder and half-closing her eyes*
Benny: *Closes his eyes and murmurs in her ear* Go to sleep, babe. I'll be here when you wake up, I promise.
Maureen: *softly* Good night.
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