.: the basics :.
name: Gera
age: 16
birthday: December 29th, 1988
location: Sarasota, FL
gender: Female
sexuality: Straight
status: Dating
.: about you :.
natural hair color: Dirty blonde/light brown (it has both... kinda looks like highlights)
eye color: Hazel
height: 5'2
describe yourself in five words: Understanding, caring, sweet, eccentric, retarded haha
.: favorites :.
color: How about combination: pink and black
number: Hmm... never thought about that. I don't have one O.o
store: Don't have one, I shop everhwere
5 bands: QNTAL, Senses fail, The Used, The Deaftones, Bleeding Nature, MSI
5 songs: "The Irony Of Dying On Your Birthday" - Sense Fail. "Faggot" - MSI
listen. "Ecce Gratum" - QNTAL (go to my lj to listen). "Слезы Жаннет" - No Man's Land. "Glazed" - Bleeding Nature.
5 movies: Under The Tuskan Sun, Robots, Notebook, Willy Wonka And the Chocolate Factory (I know it's not out yet but I love it already haha *dreams of Johnny Depp*), Pirates of the Caribbean ^.^
food: Bulgarian
drink: Bloody Marry
actor: Depp
actress: Jolie
3 brands: erm... don't have favorites, sorry
.: questions :.
can you make us laugh:
who is your hero and why: I don't have one, because everyone makes mistakes.
why do you want to join: Because I like this community
what do you think of the mods: very pretty
why should we accept you: because I'll bring great and wonderful things ^.^, and I"ll be active
.: opinions :.
(pick two or more)
gay marriage: I don't even know why people talk about it so much. Like why is it in every single application I ever apply to. If someone's gay let them be gay. It's their life, what's our business talking about them
president bush: I don't usually talk like this but... he needs to suck my imaginary cock and then kindly fuck off
the war: I think that just by saying 'humanity' the picture's clear, no more questions asked. It's impossible to stop it (actually it IS possible... but for how many wars we've had already and no one did shit but let them happen, I've lost hope). Humans are just too gready, selfish, and proud
abortion: Another thing that my opinion shoudn't matter about. I'm pro-choice, but who gives a hell. It's going to happen no matter what. I think it's wrong to make it illigal though, because that way the government makes it more dangerous. Abortion WILL happen... just like sex will happen even if they remove plant parenthood from the schools
.: extras :.
promote us in at least three places and show us where:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/coverversion/34338.html?view=79906#t79906http://www.livejournal.com/users/munkyfunk/59911.html?view=295943#t295943http://www.livejournal.com/users/johnspiff/29219.html?view=68387#t68387http://www.livejournal.com/users/marina_smit/44994.html?view=256706#t256706http://www.livejournal.com/talkpost_do.bml where did you hear about us:
dancingpretty4uany last words: Cat... I'm a kitty cat and I dance dance dance and I dance dance dance. Cat... I'm a kitty cat and I meow meow meow and I meow meow meow
.: pictures :.
post 4 or more clear pictures of yourself below.
one must be of your face, and one must be of your body.
post as many as you want!
Why do people like to take pictures by bushes?
whoa that was a lot i didn't notice lol
oh well End <3