.: the basics :.
name: lindsey jane
age: 15
birthday: september 21
location: north carolina aka hicksville :/
gender: female
sexuality: eh.. let's just say i'm attracted to girls and guys- i don't want to jump to conclusions about things just yet though
status: single as a pringle- and indecisive as fuck
.: about you :.
natural hair color:
(it looks like i have highlights- they're natural though)
eye color:
height: 5'8 :)
describe yourself in five words: obsessive, sensitive, goofy, creative, curious
.: favorites :.
color: blood red
number: hmm..4? hahah
store: charlotte russe, SOME things from hot topic (that place is so pricey), kohls
5 bands: delerium, green day, within temptation, korn, jewel
5 songs: "adidas" by korn ;), "show me love" by tatu, "stripped" by rammstein, "flowers become screens" by delerium, & "deep inside" by korn
5 movies: waterworld, the notebook, undercover brother, spanglish, benny & joon
food: ah! i love food, heh.. fuddrucker's hamburgers, cotton candy, breadsticks, cheez its, lasagna, cheesecake, etc.
drink: sprite, kool-aid, capri suns
actor: antonio banderas
actress: angelina jolie.. mmmm. ;]
3 brands: energie, dollhouse, tripp
.: questions :.
can you make us laugh: some of you might have already seen this, but it cracks me up heh..
who is your hero and why: to be honest, i don't really have a hero.. i try to be my own person instead of looking up to others and modeling myself after them :)
why do you want to join: everyone in here seems sweet, & my lovely heather (
librarysluts) is in here!
what do you think of the mods:
genna- you're adorable in that picture & you seem like a sweetie :)
heather- MY LOVE! you know that i'm i'm in love with you & think you're totally hot & amazing. :D!
jamie- i wish i could see you better in that pic, but you look like a cutie :)
why should we accept you: because i'm hot and you're not! ;P
.: opinions :.
(pick two or more)
gay marriage: i have no problem whatsoever with gay marriage- if a homosexual couple is in love, who are we to tell them that it is wrong and/or unacceptable? in the past people were discriminated against because of their sex, race, etc... now homosexuality just another thing that separates one person from the next and that will hopefully become accepted over time.
abortion: i think that abortion should be allowed. in cases such as rape, i know for a fact that i wouldn't want to have the child. in cases where a couple is carelessly messing around and the female becomes pregnant, i think that the couple should have the child, but that it is ultimately that couple's decision.. people should take responsibility for their actions though..
.: extras :.
promote us in at least three places and show us where:
#1#2#3#4where did you hear about us: heather-
libraryslutsany last words: i'm hungry. :P
.: pictures :.
post 4 or more clear pictures of yourself below.
one must be of your face, and one must be of your body.
post as many as you want!
(provide a 100x100 for the members page if you're accepted..
if you don't know how to make one, just tell me which
picture you'd like for the members page).
body shots:
PHEW that's a lotta pics, hahah.. i have so many and i was trying to pic out the ones i like best. allright..
thank you for your time!! :]