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This is a response to your most recent entry about the goverment. I don't think its fear that the goverment uses against us but rather mass manipulation. Look at Stalin era Russia for example there was censorship,mind control, and secret police who would report to the goverment about any bad thing anyone said about stalin and have them tortured and killed, it was very much like the novel 1984. But despite all of this the people of russia loved stalin in fact over 500,000 people attended his funereal and hundreds were crushed to death trying to get one last glimpse at their "great leader". If you study the history of nazi germany most of the germans felt the same way about Hitler and lived under the same circumstances. This is something that has always fascinated me, the submissivive nature of humanity. In fact if you read Nietzsche and his thoughts about dogma and moral codes I think you would find a whole lot of insight on this subject. Nietzsche believed that all dogmas and moral codes were biased and that when they originated it was by the ruling tribes of early civilization. Whatever these tribes ruled as right were considered "good" and whatever they considered wrong was "evil" and this was the beginning of dogmas and moral codes. As time went by these decrees were passed on to generation to generation and became what we today call virtue and moral conviction. And this is why I think this world has such controlling goverments and why have so much power and influence over the people they are tyrannizing, because the the leaders of these goverments are smart enough to manipulate the beliefs and convictions of the people. This is why I think our goverment which is ran by "christian" moral fanatic republicans is so successful at controlling the masses which keep electing them every year, they know how to appeal to their sentiments. You see, the way the way uneducated average joe american sees things they want this country to be like it is on nick at nite, like leave it to beaver or ozzie and harriett; a moral and christian place. And that is why anyone who says the words "god" and "family values" gets elected and then fucks things up when they get in office. This is also why I think the goverments and terrorist groups have so much influence over people in the middle east because they appeal to muslim values and convictions that have been passed on and conditioned on them. So it is not fear that the goverments use against people it is just clever brainwashing techniques. By the way if you are wondering who I am we have met before, my name is Dane and we somewhat knew each other in high school. I was on this site and by some odd chance I ran into your journal. I always tried to be your friend but you always shunned me and treated me like shit. I am asssuming that you are more mature now and realy that is the only reason I am even writing this or letting myself be known to you.
people in the middle east because they appeal to muslim values and convictions that have been passed on and conditioned on them. So it is not fear that the goverments use against people it is just clever brainwashing techniques. By the way if you are wondering who I am we have met before, my name is Dane and we somewhat knew each other in high school. I was on this site and by some odd chance I ran into your journal. I always tried to be your friend but you always shunned me and treated me like shit. I am asssuming that you are more mature now and realy that is the only reason I am even writing this or letting myself be known to you.
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