And now for a current entry. I fricking finally have internet in my dorm room! Thank god. It was so inconvienient without it.
This weekend was fun. On Saturday there was originally supposed to be a big fangirl trip to Tokyo, but
serria didn't come because it was raining and she was recovering from a cold.
meepalicious and I decided to go to Ikebukuro anyways though. We met up with Stephanie (from our Japanese class) there. The three of us went to Closet Child, where I picked up a copy of exist trace's new CD, Ambivalent Symphony (squee!). Then it was onto the Animate, Mandarake, and all the smaller shops in between. I picked up even more doujinshi at Mandarake. I really should stop, but I can never resist it, especially when some of them are only 210 yen each. Of course, I wound up with moar Gundam (mostly Lockon/Tieria) and I also bought a random pretty D18 Reborn doujin. I have a feeling that Stephanie wasn't all about the yaoi, but she tolerated it quite patiently, which was nice of her.
I ended up in Ikebukuro yet again on Sunday. This time I was meeting my friend Eri, and her friends Wakana and Bethany. We went to Sunshine City, the huge department store. Inside Sunshine City is a mini theme park called Namjatown, so we decided to go there. It was pretty cool. We ate lunch in Gyoza Town, which had around a dozen different gyoza places to choose from. It was pretty yummy. The we went to Ice Cream City for dessert, which had about a dozen different kind of ice cream flavors. I ended up with delicious pudding (purin) flavored ice cream. We then walked around and played a cutesy little detective game. It was a nice time.
Of course we had to take some purikura!