Congratulations to Team Algernon for their 4 category sweep on the
Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix awards.
Best drama - Flowers for Algernon
Best actor - Yamashita Tomohisa
Best supporting actors - Kubota Masataka (1), Ishimaru Kanji (2)
Best supporting actress - Kuriyama Chiaki
Pi's previous awards: Winter 2012 (Ending Planner), Summer 2009 (Buzzer Beat), Spring 2007 (Proposal Daisakusen), 9th '05-06 (Nobuta wo Produce), 2000-01 (IWGP)
source UPDATE: July 8 @4:14AM JST
(1) IMPORTANT: Japanese address/phone number NOT needed to vote for the ongoing Television Drama Academy Awards!!! Voting tutorial added.
(2) Continue to send your messages to Team Algernon. The official site will be open until JULY 12th!.
Official TBS FLowers for Algernon site
Send a message (3) Subs for episode 7 (by areea)
HERE But it's not over yet...
85th Television Drama Academy Awards
These awards are held quarterly by The Television Magazine and are based on the combined results of votes from the magazine readers, juries, and TV journalists.
(Source and previous winners) PLEASE VOTE. Follow the tutorial below.
One vote per person (probably tracked by IP address).
Deadline: July 14th JST.
I really think Flowers for Algernon has a shot at these awards since it's not strictly a fan popularity contest. Jury and TV journalists also have a vote in the outcome. Let's do our part to help, if you can! Thank you.
*Please pass on this information to your friends, twitter, IG, tumblr, etc. This post will remain unlocked.*
TUTORIAL by babyshazam:
Go to the site:
HEREBelow in the image shows the 3 steps to vote:
Step 1: Select category
Step 2: Select the one you want to win for drama, actor/actress, song
Step 3: Once you've selected all 6 categories, vote from the "vote sheet"
Once you've selected Best Drama, the nominees will be below. It's sorted by TV station and the default is NHK so you have to select TBS for every category.
It's arranged by airdate (Monday-Sunday) and Algernon is the 3rd drama. To vote, select the button beside the drama's title. The star wil be color yellow to indicate your selection.
Best Lead Actor
Yamapi is the first in the list. Again, select the button next to his name.
Best Supporting Actor
Since Algernon is the 3rd drama in the list and the dramas have 5 supporting actors each, Team Algernon starts at option 11.
Best Supporting Actress
Team Algernon starts at option 8.
Drama Song
The Rose is the 3rd option.
You will see the selection you've made on the right side of the site (under the ads) called "my vote sheet"
Once you click the red button below, it will lead you to the decision page
One must vote in all categories so you have to select anyone for the Best Lead Actress category. You may change your selection by selecting the "change" button next to each category.
Once decided, click the Vote Decided button
The page should thank you for your vote. If you have a Japanese address, you may apply for a present too. (100 voters will get a book card)